Philosphy:I have to deal with so many cunts who are scam artists, and the magnificent machinations of how their evil actions catch up with them - that I had this thought today.
"Telling lies is like letting a wild beast loose from a cage. You never know where it is going to go and who is going to end up dealing with it"
- The Life and Times of Shane T Hanson.
My Motto:
"Take great care as to whom you give ammunition too, lest they come back to use it against you"
- The Life and Times of Shane T Hanson.
I don't know whether I should be classified as "basically ignorant" - "ignorant" - or "remarkably ignorant" - because there is such a fabulously profound joy in saying, "I don't know - I think I will have to look it up".
- The Life and Times of Shane T Hanson.
"People say, "I would not wish that on my worst enemy". Well why not? Some people absolutely deserve an utter cunt like her.... I think a few less enemies is a great idea."
- The Life and Times of Shane T Hanson.
My Quotable Quote:
"She had a nice hairy anus.
Until I gave her "The Treatment".
- The Life and Times of Shane T Hanson.