

Objective: Positively influence and empower men to be more secure in their masculinity so as to be able to stand up for themselves in the war against them called feminism.

Topics: Masculinity, manliness, the mens movement, MGTOW, Mens rights, Mens Issues, The Positivity Of Patriarchy, Machismo, Misogyny, male sovereignty and self actualization. As well as Anti-Matriarchy, anti-feminism, Anti-misandry and anti-emasculation.

This channel is not for: “Alpha BS, PUA, sex ed, simp/beta/soyboy/incel shaming, saying who is a real man and who isn’t or what to do to be one. There will be no shaming language here, because that is a feminine manipulation tactic that is unbecoming of a man, and I am here to unify and unite us not to facilitate divisions and arguments.
United States