Femmextinct: How Technology will Replace Female Reproduction by Dave Thomas

Since the mid 2000's the reproductive trends have been changing, technology, social attitudes and feminism are some of the reasons.

What if I tell you that the only reason we're all here is because of women? Haven't we all heard that one before, it seems to be an irrefutable argument, flang around mainly by the feminists on social media, all the time, every time.
But one thing that we now per sure, is that in the past we had no options. You see, options are the way to freedom, and this is what most men believe is lacking right now in their lives: freedom.

But still, historically speaking every society reverts back to monogamy or traditionalism right? Yes, like I just mentioned, we had no option but to settle with women, the game changer on this current time of history is one thing: technology, medical technology to be more precise.

For the last decade, we've seen an increase in the ammount of surrogate mothers, to the point in wich they had to make it illegal in India, because there was so much demand from Western people to have sorrougate indian mothers, the Goverment had to step in.

So that's it! Every time we had surrogacy the Goverments will do something, women are safe! Not really, most of the times the reasons behind a ban happens because of inhuman conditions or outright abuse, to the point of commiting crimes such as kidnapping. Surrogacy still a thing, actually there's more surrogacy options now than ever before.

Thailand is going up, the US is somewhat more stady going up and down evey year. India had a dramatic drop since banning it.

The surrogacy maket is expected to be a 28 billion dollar industry across the Globe by 2025 acording to Global Market Insights, at the moment still is almost a 6 billion dollars industry worldwide.
So, what gives? Exactly what is going to be the element needed for a complete paradigm shift when it comes to human reproduction? Nobody knows exactly, the one thing you learn by doing historical research is not only what happened, also what were the elements already present in that historical time. My point is simple: not only accounting for the unfolding of the events but also, what was present at an individual level for X event to take place in the fisrt place.

This is the meat and potatoes of empirical historical research. We can easily say all the elements are here, marriage is going down and it's expected to only get worse in the future, specially by looking at the current data, that only shows a steep decline over the years. What else is present in the environment? Well the sexual liberation has put women in rollercoaster of short lived relationships, wich has shown to lower the likeliness for women to enter a commited long term relationship with a stable partner.

Less satisfaction is most likely to make relationships harder.

The most important factor and usually the most overlooked one is techonology itself.

Technology has been replacing men since the Industrial Revolution, it has never been the case in wich women have been masively replace yet. We can cite pornography or fast food as a form of replacement, but that will not be fair, since we had Bars and Eateries way before any big social revolution, now they're simply more common, and both sexes use their services. When it comes to pornography, that wil be discussed in a future article.
The main point I'm trying to get across is we never, ever had any technology in previous historical periods that would be able to replace the one thing that women always had in their deck of cards: reproduction.

With LGBTQ+ people getting to have such priviliges by either adopting or outright rent a womb, this is snowball that will never cease to grow, it will only be a matter of time, before average straight men start to take this option more seriously. Since most men even today, still want to have a mother in the household, but online trands are catching up, more guys are looking into statistics of divorce, the long term effects of broken families and the risk of blended ones.

Napoleon Bonaparte said: Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake. I think is a nice analogy to represent how females today are distracted with their careers, jobs and social media in general. This lack of attention is a fertile ground for alternative reproductive systems to arrive in developed societies any moment. Don't get me wrong, we don't see women as the enemy, but behind all of this there's big pharma interest, fertility clinics, in one breath they will happily abort their babies and in another breath give you the option of surrogacy. The house always wins.

A good friend of mine who used to work on Manhattan as a Broker, told me: Everything boils down to money, you can have the most charitable cause in your company, but there's always out there some mofo making a ton of doe from it.

Incentives are at the end, is what makes us do what we do. Trends, are the merged collective actions as a result of these incentives being applied in society. The incentive is being applied right now, at some point the build up will happen, the only thing stopping a lot of men is the access to these options, since some of them are quite expensive.

We're talking that in the US for having a single baby trhu surrogacy can top 150 thousand dollars, there's cheaper alternatives like Ukraine and some places in Asia, but you need to do specific requests for it, it's not impossible, in Ukraine the cost for a single baby thru surrogacy will run you about 40 thousand dollars at best.

To conclude, surrogacy is the gateway for anoher technology that will flip the world upside down: artificial wombs. This is almost science ficition at this point, but many goverments are starting to fund its research and we all now, as technology gets better, we will get there eventually.

What will happen to women once their main evolutionary purpose is gone and replaced? No one knows but this is how an extinction event starts.

Comments 2

wroger_wroger 5 years ago
"Feminist" - The smallest, least liked, porn category, in the world.
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5 years ago
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