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The comfort zone and why we should break past it

As MGTOW, we are free to do as we please. Understanding how the comfort zone and self growth interconnect is important, and that’s explained in this article.

Our comfort zone is what limits us. It's the boundary. It's where we say, "I'm not doing that". The final frontier. Well, I recommend you break through the 'final frontier' when reasonable. I mean, space travel was at one point the final frontier for us, and look where we are now. 

Space travel isn't the best analogy in the world, but it gets the point across. What makes us uncomfortable, creeped out, or even scared at the moment, isn't to dictate how the future unfolds. We only know one thing for sure: this life is temporary.


And as Men Going Our Own Way, I find it well within good reason to break through our own comfort zones. I was hesitant to go to a dance, but you know what? I said "fuck it". I went and had a great time. 


My parents never wanted me to become a commercial pilot. And I was low-key afraid to apply for a flight training scholarship. I didn't win it, but because of my efforts, the flight school offered me one free hour of flight instruction in a Cessna 185. It was uncomfortable: my first time applying for a scholarship, had no idea of how my family would react, yet I still went through with it and achieved greatness. 


The concept of pushing past your comfort zone is a tried and tested one. It’s something that many people (including myself) can attest to.

Evidently, I don’t recommend jumping off of the Empire State Building for obvious reasons-because I will be very sad without your existence :(

And when it comes to dating (if that’s your thing), don’t put a ring on it my friend. Not worth the risk. That’s why I consider myself to be “Going My Own Way”. 

Remember, the only point of pushing past the comfort zone is to achieve something you wouldn’t initially get. And it has to be something worth it. It was worth attending the homecoming dance, and it was well worth earning one free hour of dual flight instruction. I would’ve hesitated and missed all those opportunities. But I reminded myself - reminded myself that the comfort zone doesn’t always equal happiness. It could mean the opposite, as it may hold you back. We get one life to live, and we may never know when it will end. Appreciate every second and make them count. Don’t count the days, but make the days count.


We’re Men Going Our Own Way, we value ourselves and our desires. Live your life to the fullest and when you take your last breath, I want you to promise me that you have no regrets, and that you gave it your 100%. 


Thanks for your time, and as a side-note, I will start to add new episodes of The MGTOW Academy Show and episodes from my MGTOW Stories series onto this platform as I make new content. I look forward to meeting new folks on here.


Take it easy,

-MGTOW Academy

Comentarios 2

theWarrior 5 años hace
Navy Seals will tell you that a majority of people only give 40% on a given day (it is comfortable). By just giving 1% more, you are breaking the comfort cycle. Taking off your self-governor will put you into the top 1 to 10% of achievers. Do 1 thing a week that is uncomfortable to start, hell do 1 thing per day. You will feel empowered and will start developing the habit of going for it. It is NEVER too late to start. -the Warrior
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KEEPER 5 años hace
not bad info to follow. and i liked the story of your personal growth with the pilot school. i remember learning from an uncle of mine, that even though you didn't get what you thought out of an experience, doesn't mean that it was bad. sometimes you can learn something when you fail and sometimes it can help a person find their true calling in life.
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