The Irresponsible Jackass Movement

Irresponsibility plus stupidity equals disaster

The Irresponsible Jackass Movement

By Delilah Despised 

For a couple of weeks now I've been watching the Irresponsible Jackass Movement spout their dangerously reckless views on the government's response to the Covid 19 pandemic. Contrary to what they would like us to believe that response is not about denying anybody their constitutionally guaranteed rights nor is it about a nebulous nefarious plot by the NWO to take over America / the world. The government's Covid 19 response is nothing more than a responsible government's duty to protect ALL of it's citizens , especially it's high risk citizens , during a pandemic which could very easily turn into an epidemic of Biblical proportions if not handled correctly. Why these " tin foil wearing hat " conspiracy nuts of this movement insist that they know more than the very professional and knowledgeable medical people is a mystery for the ages. I am disappointed that way too many of them are emanating from the Conservative American demographic. I expect Liberals to be this stupid but to have Conservatives be this willfully stupid makes me think they have about the same smarts as the Che Guevera t-shirt wearing members of Snowflake Nation. I'm highly embarrassed by them and for them.  I keep hearing them quote the stat that 98.48 % of the citizens will either never get Covid 19 or recover quickly if they do.They never allow the other shoe to drop. I'm going to bring that other shoe down now with a massive thud.  Assuming for the moment that their figures are correct that is indeed a lot of people that will never get Covid 19 or recover quickly if they do. Their own figures also mean that 5,168,000 people will get it and die. That my friends would indeed be an epidemic that would touch probably every citizen in the country either directly or indirectly . I'm in the camp that doesn't want these irresponsible jackasses to have the right to play so fast and loose with so many other people's lives because of their right to be irresponsible and willfully stupid. Sorry guys but your right to be irresponsible and willfully stupid ends where it infringes upon 5,168,000 other people's right to stay alive. Better every one of these Irresponsible Jackasses is jailed than even 1 of the 5,168,000 die needlessly because of somebody else's irresponsibility and willful stupidity. We all can be absolutely certain that when a member of The Irresponsible Jackass Movement or one of their family gets infected as a result of their own irresponsibility and stupidity they'll be singing a different tune then. They'll also be looking for somebody , anybody , to sue. It's as certain as death , taxes and ORANGE MAN BAD !!!

Would somebody please drive a stake through the heart of the Irresponsible Jackass Movement beast and put it out of America's misery ---- QUICKLY !!!

Comments 3

MGTOWQuietEarp 5 years ago
I never asked the government to protect me from me!
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phantomrunner 5 years ago
I agree. but at the same time the govt always have to go over board.
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