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The Tyranny Of The Petticoat

Walking The Straight And Narrow MGTOW Path

The Tyranny Of The Petticoat 

By Paul Stanner 

    Abigail Adams to future President John Adams April 27 1776

I can not say that I think you very generous to the Ladies, for whilst you are proclaiming peace and good will to men, Emancipating all Nations, you insist upon retaining an absolute power over Wives.
But you must remember that Arbitrary power is like most other things which are very hard, very liable to be broken and notwithstanding all your wise Laws and Maxims we have it in our power not only to free our selves but to subdue our Masters, and without violence throw both your natural and legal authority at our feet.
John Adams Reply To Abigail 
Depend upon it, We know better than to repeal our Masculine systems. Altho they are in full Force, you know they are little more than Theory. We dare not exert our Power in its full Latitude. We are obliged to go fair, and softly, and in Practice you know We are the subjects. We have only the Name of Masters, and rather than give up this, which would compleatly subject Us to the Despotism of the Peticoat, I hope General Washington, and all our brave Heroes would fight.
  A couple of months ago I was out on a YouTube stroll checking out what my fellow YouTube creators were up to. One of the things that caught my eye was posted by a committed Christian lady friend of mine. Being a committed lady Christian she was very upset about the war between the genders and was very concerned by the MGTOW movement. She wanted to know what exactly the MGTOW philosophy was and why they were so down on women and didn't want to get married any more. I had never heard of MGTOW which is very surprising since I'd been MGTOW since high school with a few relapses along the way. Apparently I was MGTOW before MGTOW was cool. lol  I set out to find out more so I could explain it to her.After a couple of weeks of research I got in touch with her and explained it to her in a way that a Christian woman could understand. As follows. " Every woman understands the meaning of cleave but precious few women understand the meaning of submit . " I explained to her that when women returned to the " cleave and submit " view of gender relations the war would be over. I don't expect that to happen any time soon and I suspect she doesn't either.
In doing my research I came to realize just how serious the problem had become and that there was a great need for a movement to address the egregious violation of men's rights. I'm often asked how us men can reverse the steady organized erosion of our rights. As with most political issues when one side gets too much power it's incumbent upon the other side to take that power away from them. As long as the situation stays as it currently is or worsens I think some radical measures are necessary in order to correct the problem. Listed below are my " Fifteen Commandments For The MGTOW Man " 
1. Never marry them and never give them children. Never let them have any control whatsoever over your finances.
2. If you own a business and have female employees never promote them to a position of any authority over men. Require a dress code for them that doesn't allow for any type of make-up. No rouge , eye liner , eye shadow , lipstick , perfume etc etc. Require them to wear a plain grey pants uniform with plain flat shoes , no high heels. Never have company Christmas parties or summer picnics etc etc. 
If you are going to start a business do not hire women. Hire only red pilled men. 
3. If you are married take a very active role in your children's lives , especially your sons. Do not let your wives have the final word in any aspect of your children's lives. Do not let your wife  participate in " take your daughters to work days ". If she insists then make her take your son also. You should also go whenever possible. 
4. Get involved in your local politics. Get all women off of local school boards. Do not let women have anything to say about the curriculum in any schools. Demand more red pilled male teachers in all schools from kindergarten through high school. 
5. Get involved in state and national politics. Never vote for any woman for any office at any level. I know that my Conservative friends won't like this but let me ask this question of you folks. When have you ever heard even the best female Conservative politicians address any of these issues ?  Elect only red pilled men that will eliminate all aspects of educational and cultural Marxism / SJW activism in all universities. Abolish all family courts. Outlaw no fault divorce. Eradicate all feminist judges and law enforcement officers from the system . Eliminate alimony. Eliminate welfare for those that are able to work. After two children as an unmarried woman require women to get their tubes tied before getting any additional help from " BIG Daddy Government ". Require a severe punishment for false accusations of rape or sexual harassment. Require that women get the same exact prison time that men get for the same crimes. 
6. Never let your sons join the military. The next time the shit hits the fan as it surely will let only women deal with it. Since men are now living in a Gynocracy it's time to let women exclusively defend their self imposed Utopia.
7. Teach your sons from a very early age about the true nature of women. Boys should be socialized to be red pilled at as early an age as possible.Teach your sons that they should not allow themselves to become anybody's green card , meal ticket or beast of burden.   Men should no longer allow or worse yet encourage their sons to walk willingly into the slavery of marriage. 
8. Encourage your sons to go into fields where they can effect these changes. Men need male advocates educated in fields such as law , politics , education and law enforcement and all of the various performing arts.
9. Support only red pilled male owned businesses. Invest in only red pilled male owned business and advertise solely on those businesses.
10. Don't support female artists of any kind. Stop going to the movies and watching TV . Stop watching , reading or listening to any " Talking Heads " that are not red pilled males.
11.If a female initiates a violent confrontation with you treat her as you would a man. I would advise a word of caution in these types of situations however. Considering that females will quite often use a very dangerous weapon when getting in a direct violent confrontation with a man it's probably better to just keep your distance and pepper spray them. My instincts tell me that that tactic in these types of situations would also lend itself better to a self defense legal defense.

12. There is an old sports adage that states that the best defense is an overpowering offense. Men should use that strategy when dealing with women. Learn the laws that govern marriage / interpersonal relations / domestic violence and use them to your advantage. The next time she slaps you call the cops on her and get a restraining order against her. Get her bad behavior on the record FIRST !! Don't feel bad about it and don't cut her any slack. View it as self defense.

13. Get a paternity test every time your wife / girlfriend announces that she is pregnant. If you trust her do it discreetly but do it .

14. Never borrow anything from a woman. If you need money it's better to borrow from the Jew since at least when you pay him back that's the end of it unlike with a woman when you'll be hearing it for the rest of your life.

15. Do not let a woman be involved in any way shape manner or form with your career or business. If you do anything you may accomplish she will claim that she had a major hand in and if she's your wife you'll never be credited for accomplishing anything without her claiming a major contribution in . Also your mother in law will make your life a living Hell.

Another lady friend of mine once told me that the rules of sex / inter-gender relations are made and enforced by " the partner with the vagina " . NEWSFLASH FemiNazis -- those days are rapidly coming to a close. Samson is coming for all of you Delilahs. It's not a matter of if but rather when. Once he arrives your FemiNazi Temples are going to come crashing down. 
You have been WARNED Delilahs !!!
Comments 1

anonmachina 5 years ago
The letters are near-black, and thus, unreadable. Please repost with visible letters.
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