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Why Biden is NOT the “lesser of two evils” compared to Trump

As bad as Trump is, Biden is worse due to his support of the Duluth model and Red Flag Laws.

I apologize to those of you who may have been waiting for another blogpost by me covering American politics as of late. It’s been a little over three years since my last one, but I’ve sort of been wallowing in embarrassment due to what I posted in the past. I was a bit emotionally charged writing them, but I still think I was right in the content of what I posted (sans the prediction).

As you may have seen, my prediction that Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 election was wrong. But so were a lot of other people as well, many of whom I lived around. Listening to the radio shortly before the election I heard Democrats say that they were focusing on local elections because they were operating on the assumption she would win.

After four years of Donald Trump, I (as well as many Americans) are tired of Donald Trump’s presidency. The Tax Cuts and Jobs act of 2017 making it so alimony can no longer be written off taxesopposition to renewable energy, intermittent advocacy of red flag laws (Biden supports this too admittedly more consistently), making anti-LGBT Kaleigh McEnany his press secretary, ruined American soft power internationally, etc.

Biden on the other hand promoted the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 (which underneath its surface is radical feminist ideology and based on the Duluth Model). He promoted the Wage Gap lie. He helped create the very flawed and feminist-oriented Title IX rules. He was vice president to Obama who literally called himself a feminist and promoted feminism by name. And his party to which he would grant massive power is now dominated by and run by radical feminists who are more extreme and open about it than ever before.

Some anti-Trumpers are attempting to claim that Biden is a safer candidate to Trump citing his poor handling of the unrest following the homicide of George Floyd by a police officer who had at least 18 complaints against him. Colion Noir has made several videos (like this one) on why he feels Donald Trump is the safer (read: not ideal) candidate to Joe Biden. He clarified his position further on his second appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast last week.

If you want people who are one-issue voters to be convinced the Democratic candidate is the safer choice to Trump, you need to choose a candidate who doesn’t push the Duluth model, call for red flag lawsthink the only firearms that should be permitted to own are shotguns because they’re the ones he owns. Even some on the Democratic side agree Biden should step aside for someone who will actually push for positive change.

My only hope is that Joe Biden at the age of 77 and of questionable mental ability, will croak before the election so someone else can be the nominee for the Democratic party. I don’t consider myself hard to please, but the Duluth model and attempts to restrict constitutional rights is where I draw the line. I made a video outlining the Democratic party’s hypocrisy (click here in case my YouTube channel gets suspended for Wrongthink).

I’ll hold my nose and vote for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. No matter who I vote for this November, it will be like last time. Difference is I’ve seen a Trump presidency and will vote for one of the two ruling parties. And I hope America stops spiraling down the toilet due to bad leadership.

Comments 7

SuZQ 4 years ago
You sound like one of Alinsky’s Useful Idiots.
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geoffers10 4 years ago
very concerning is the terrible rise in feminism let us pray that mgtow men will rise.
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5 years ago
His running-mate doesn't even qualify to be President. See the Constitution: Article 2, Section 1.
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Robokitty 5 years ago
I have a video on this which I recommend you check out:
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AMNAT 5 years ago

Interesting video and i agree Third Parties shouldn't be excluded in our messed up system. But what are your thoughts on my article and how well do you think it aged?

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Robokitty 5 years ago

@Gynocentrism Watch: I really liked your article. One of the things I really hate about biden is how he spreads lies such as that trump supports neo nazis(DNC) and the wage gap

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toxicmasculinity 5 years ago
what about infant penis skinning/mutilation? Joes a lot less creepy than every other american.
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5 years ago
Joe Biden messed up when he said you are not black if you vote for Trump. Trump is going to win again.
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AMNAT 5 years ago

It helps that Trump is the incumbent, and generally speaking incumbent politicians will always get re-elected unless people are really unhappy with their performance. But even without that Biden isn't doing himself any favors by doing shit like that and banking on being seen as a lesser of two evils rather than actually being someone people want to vote for.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 5 years ago
Don't forget Creepy Joe was the biggest supporter of the PATRIOT ACT being used against Americans. The goal for him is to be like FDR, mentally incapacitated and let his VP run the place.
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AMNAT 5 years ago

The only real advantage Joe Biden has over Donald Trump at the moment is probably foreign policy. While I agree we need to get the other members of NATO to pay and perform their fair share instead of throwing the USA under the rug all the time and move away from being financially dependent on the People's Republic of China, I don't think Trump has done well on those fronts. He's embarrassed our country by showing love all over our enemies such as Putin (who hates the USA) and Kim Jong-un (who only cares about stuffing his face and staying in power while his people nearly starve).Also someone needs to tell him and his administration that simply _telling_ the North Korean government to denuclearize will do nothing since they have no incentive to. They need to think of what the DPRK's motives are and act accordingly.

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5 years ago

@Gynocentrism Watch: he does not want to start another war. Trump has done a lot of good. You need to remember the deep state controls him.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

who knows what's going to happen, there's so much shit going on right now. i mean i have a few predictions based off what's going on. but the odds that i'm right on the mark are still pretty slim, and i try to get to the truth one way or the other. my prediction is the country will get so desperate that we will either have a civil war with the left wing party blm antifa, that whole circus. but we will both lose significantly, and who will be there to help us out of the shit show we allowed ourselves to fall for? china. but the other scenario involves the country going bankrupt and china will win yet again. and for their help we will be forced to join within china's communist party or they will let us die or take us out and take our land while we are weak and injured. stop "listening and believing" everything you see from the the main stream idiot media. there's a reason why every scandal ends up being false a few months down the road. it's similar to what happens when someone gets accused of rape. most ppl "repeat the definition of insanity" when they use the the "listen and believe" flawed method and a few months down the road the man who was accused is found not guilty because it took that long for the investigation to be done. but the man is still branded a rapist because it was once again shared on all social media, so his brand not guilty no longer matters. it's the same thing with the main stream fake news media. and if you happen to believe it every time, well then you just "repeated the definition of insanity" doing the same things over and over again, while expecting a different result.

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AMNAT 5 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: Appeasement doesn't work. It's never worked. It didn't work against the Soviet Union, and North Korea, Russia, and China will only take advantage of our timidity if we give them the impression that we are afraid of angering them. I don't want a war, but I also don't think Donald Trump and his administration are handling foreign affairs as well as they could. @Sentient_Of_Truth: I don't think a Civil War in the style of the first one is likely. Back in the 1800's the southern states's military was pretty much on the same side as the separatists and slavers, whereas now our military is divided between neo-Confederates and White Supremacists being more of an internal struggle. The only case of clandestine rebellion I've seen so far (that didn't get suprressed) was CHAZ, and Trump hasn't done much about it yet despite havign the Insurrection Act at his disposal (which past presidents have used). As for foreign affairs, I fear the Chinese government might be outfoxing trump via the Belt & Road initiative ( and Trump's insistence of dismantling the Yongbyon nuclear facility instead of telling the North Korean government that feeding their people more and giving them better living conditions would reduce the likelihood of rebellion, the negotiations would have gone better. I see nothing wrong with criticizing Trump where he went wrong, and giving him advice to his administration on how to go from here.

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5 years ago

@Gynocentrism Watch: getting rid of the federal reserve would solve a lot of problems but that is not going to happen.

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