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Fifty-Two Year Old Virgin - MGTOW

Published on 12 Dec 2019 / In People & Blogs

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MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShS4uEY2Jw8

Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hail Sandman, I am the donor for your video on Nietzsche, as well as the video on the Canadian Band Rush. Please continue to keep me anonymous. As a fifty-two year old virgin who has had little success in life, I have aligned existence to that of a monk, to the extent possible within the parameters of need to work. My problem is that the sources of solace that have served me since childhood, no longer work: Comics, Star Trek, Star Wars, Fantasy & Sci-Fi novels. They have all been ruined, in accordance with the diabolical plot you have clearly revealed in other videos. Easy solution, so I thought. Simply re-read and re-watch my old favorites. The problem: my post Red-Pill cognition is incapable of receiving these stories as inspirational calls to transcendence as I once did. Now, I see Batman as wasting his nights rescuing ungrateful scum. I regard the interpersonal dynamics aboard the Star Trek Next-Gen Enterprise as heartrendingly impossible. I hear over and over in my head, the declaration of Lex Luthor, as played by Gene Hackman in the first Christopher Reeve Superman movie: "People are no damn good. " What is to be done? Or, to put it in a way you might better appreciate: General Sandman, years ago you began serving the cause of Men in the gender wars. Now, I beg you to help in my struggle against Anhedonia. I regret that I am unable to present my request to you in person, but the freedom of association once available to men has been deleted from the Matrix in which we live, and the mission of the MRM to restore civil rights to men has failed. Information vital to the survival of men is held within your brain, and only you can retrieve it. You must see this information safely posted on the internet. This is our most desperate hour. Help me Sandman. You're our only hope. Stay secret. Stay safe. Living Under Mud. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for yet another donation and topic. But before I give you coping strategies on how to consume content like it's the 1990s and it's still good let me first
tell you about today's sponsor Welcome To MIGTOWN:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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Propagandestroyer 5 years ago

Ever watch Twitch GTA 5 NOPIXEL RP instead of mainstream TV? Try channels like , Vader, Spaceboy, Timmic. I'm a boomer and I find it amazing what they can get away with in this day and age. I very rarely watch or listen to mainstream propaganda.

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Navigator_of_none 5 years ago

I hope mr. anonymous is here on mgtow.tv
Mr. Anonymous, yes try on the video games they have gotten way better since the 1980s.
Also, read instead the book version of your favorite tv shows or browse among the
Several sci-fi book authors out there, there are plenty of goods ones.

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