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OnlyFans Corrupts Christian Girls - MGTOW

Published on 30 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm starting to think only fans is the final death blow for the dating market. Here in the very conservative, very rural Midwest area I am learning of more and more cases of supposedly good conservative Christian girls going onto only fans. This is supposedly the land of conservative NAWALTs that haven't been spoiled by modern feminism yet. That's not true but that is a common perception. It's turning more and more women into basically young Lauren Southerns whose lavish life styles are subsidized by their online pay piggies and you would literally have to be a millionaire to manage to rope one in. As an incel turned MGTOW there was positive reinforcement as I gained MGTOW knowledge and slowly but surely I started to catch the interests of more and more women. Eventually even gaining access to the cute ones who easily would have rejected me back in my blue pill days. Earlier on this esteem and ego boost was more necessary to my MGTOW transformation. Before I could fully internally validate these little ego pickups helped filled the gaps. Younger incels won't even be in the position to reject women. Eventually traditional prostitutes will become more scarce and expensive too or consist of older women who can't make it Only Fans anymore. The earnings potential of prostitution just won't compete with Only Fans pay piggies and the risks won't justify the rewards anymore. At best paid sex will be an expensive side service offered by some of their girls to their clients and you will need to sign up for account with them before you can negotiate it. Several of them won't even offer those kinds of extras as a service unless you subscribe to their highest tier of membership. Conservative were seldom as good as they appeared but soon they won't even have to pretend." Well Randy thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. First of all I don't think it's fair to lump in Lauren Southern with all the Onlyfans thots out there. You're right about the idea that you have to be a millionaire to end up with a woman like her. I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong that Lauren Southern married a doctor? Now that she's put her money where her mouth and has had a child at a young age to prove to everyone that she is all about reproduction instead of migrant migration we can't criticize her for getting married and becoming a mother at such a young age instead of riding the cock carousel. Financially she's done well for herself. I believe she got a few hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin over the years and if she holds onto that it might be somewhere between three or four million dollars in the coming years. She's in her early twenties, good looking, intelligent and for her not to marry a doctor or wealthy successful man would not only be against female's hypergamous nature but would be stupid because what woman with her fame, crypto money and intelligence is going to marry a brick laying Joe sixpack? Forgetaboutit. She's also not an onlyfans model so she's not the best example for this video. As for OnlyFans becoming an OnlyFans model is the number one thing that most teenage girls want to be when asked about future career prospects in high school. It used to be Rock Star, then YouTuber, it changed to Instagram influencer recently and now it's OnlyFans model.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

corrupt girls exist with or withot onlyfans..........

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

It also has corrupted Mormon girls too which Mormon women aren’t really that good to begin with due to the way the Mormon church programs them them into mostly self loathed, very narcissistic and hypergamous, Hence abusive household or other broken homes + tiktok or onlyfans combined with the very horribly gynocentric LDS teachings only creates one of the worst kind of bitches....

Back in my Bluepilled Mormon years. i’ve once known some seemingly nice girl or truly a Mormon bitch from the Adrain Ward who I met at a church prom at the stake center in saline Michigan. Laree Cameron aka Camcunt. Pretending to be nice to me and even pretended to like but she friend zoned me without even telling me.

There’s this one time when my grandfather passed away in 2018, That’s when she went full out bitch towards me saying unquote:

(It’s nice speaking with you
and you are a goo)

(De friend)

Even Laree that bitch I also saw on tiktok the bitch even had horribly abusive parents which one of them worked in the LDS Church as a stake president, which I don’t care anymore now that I’ve been MGTOW for 3 in a half years now and I’m 19.

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SolidSnake33 4 years ago

You can't corrupt something that wasn't already born that way.

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suburbancaveman 4 years ago

I still think that onlyfans market will be saturated at some point. It seems like a bubble forming. I won't even consider it until they have proper teledildonics support.

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