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In 5 Years 50% Of Men Will Be Incels (Women Most Affected) - MGTOW

Published on 24 Sep 2020 / In People & Blogs

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From 2012 to 2018 the number of men not having sex has doubled.4

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post that includes this graph survey graphic called: From 2012 to 2018 the number of men not having sex has doubled. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It certainly hasn't and the typical excuses of adult content and video games are being thrown around instead of the most obvious one that Tinder came out in 2012 and it has changed the dating world forever. Before Tinder things were starting to get bad but after Tinder showed up the bitchiness went off the scale. video games were around before 2012 so was pornography. Since mid-2006 the adult tube sites were there. Yet men were having more sex with internet porn being around from 1998 all the way up to around 2010. Men were buying adult content and downloading it for free and enjoying sex as well. Video games are also clearly not to blame because first person shooter games came out in the early nineties with things like Castle Wolfenstein and Doom. Later on we saw 007 Golden-eye on the N64. Even when world of Warcraft was in it's hay day ten years ago that didn't lower the rate of sexual activity in men. In fact there were more female chameleons playing games like that and getting together with gamer guys. Where are those girls today? Men getting more into adult content and video games is a non argument. Of course Tinder and Bumble might not be the whole story because correlation does not imply causation. But Dating apps have changed the dating landscape. In 2010 I saw Grindr and thought to myself that this would be amazing if it were made for straight men and women. The only thing that's been amazing is my lack of interest after using them. Knowing I could get a girlfriend a lot easier than back in the days before them has made me a lot less interested. Besides the quality of women on those apps is disappointing. It's also the fastest growing way for people to date these days. More men are using Tinder than ever before but the deck if dicks is stacked higher than it's ever been to tickle a cooch. If you look at this graphic again you'll notice that as of 2018 28% of men ages 18-30 have not had sex in the last year. This has never happened before and I wonder if the numbers got worse in 2019 but I bet they certainly have in 2020 with the coof. I also looked up the fertility rates in the United States in 2018 and the only state in the lower 48 with replacement fertility rates was South Dakota. I'll get to my thoughts about America will most likely become an incel nation in five maybe ten years in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide to retiring on 200k in southeast Asia:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Anonymous21 4 years ago

Then women can enjoy being lonely and being childless or being a single mother. "Incels" are just failed normies.

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Immortal_Liberty 4 years ago

Adult tubes came in 1999-2000, not 2006, and HD 720 came in 2006. As we see, men were having more sex in 2015 than 1998,as graph clearly shows,and porn was around in 1998, tube sites came in 1999-2000 only. So ironically with porn men had more real sex than without porn sites in 1998. It is #metoo in 2017 and Trump getting elected and many liberal women refuse to have sex with guys who don't hate Trump,since 2016. That's the expanation. You will see once Trump is gone out of office,things will normalize again, look at 1998, Monica Lewinsky scandal,and that's why men got less sex from women that year.

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Max_Dominate 5 years ago

@9:15 - As long as you have an internet connection and one dominant hand fully operational, you never have to be starved of sex. You don't need women.

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Immortal_Liberty 4 years ago

true incel, who doesn't know the difference of a hand and pussy, feels like day and night. And it's not ''sex'' when you jerk yourself off to porn,bucko, sorry to break your bubble. Clean your room lol.

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Mademyownway 5 years ago

5 years ago I went my own way. I had had enough of begging the ex cow for sex or any kind of attention. Woke up after my father died and realized life is far to damn short for bullshit. Traveling to Eastern Europe of work and getting laid and my dick sucked more in 2 weeks, than I had been in 20 years of marriage.
Today, I am single and extremely happy and content with my life. I now own 3 Porsche autos and a BMW K1600GT, a fat 401 and portfolio. I travel when and where I want and if I want of feel the need to get my dick wet, I do, then come back to my house alone.
Western society women and feminism have no one to blame for this jacked up mess than themselves.
Joan Rivers had a joke a long time ago. Men to not die younger than their wives. They kill themselves to get away from the bitch.
Younger men need to sit back and just watch the relationship going on with older couples today. Look at how worn out these men look. Watch the interactions and the look on these guys faces. The look is that of just let me die now to get away from here.
Western men are scared of the courts. Afraid of losing their shit or having to pay the cow for the rest of her life. Yes, he will pay till she is dead, even after he has kicked the bucket.
Walk away. Stop worrying about your shit, because you can always get more. Move to another country or just buy a piece of land somewhere and be happy.

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Geneo 5 years ago

SANDMAN: what happened in 2008/2009? studying the graph, you will see that the trend seemed to begin when many men lost their jobs and homes in the crash. cooncidence? maybe a different site at the time? whats your take on that?

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