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Newly weds drown - Music: Shape of despair

Published on 22 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is tragic. but to walk out in deep water when u cant swim that is darwin award level. And I say he fucked up that award too and instead receives a murder charge for dragging his wife down. Video from Yemen

Shape of Despair - Illusion's play

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I actually thought that was up in the arctic circle - with the scenery in the distance being the front of a glacier....

I was waiting for it to collapse and make a huge wave and to drown them....

Nope - its a cliff on the other side of a river....

And the cunts cannot swim.

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Yeah and drowning is almost never "Oh help me, Help me, I am drowing!" - screaming + waving of arms etc...

Nope - Glug glug glug - wave an arm - bob to the surface - gasp for air - glug glug glug - wave an arm.... glug glug glug - shows over..

It just happens SO quickly - If you turned your back on them, to eat a plain ham, tomato and cheese sandwich and turned back around - you would have missed the whole thing....

There one minute, gone the next....

Fuck people who CANNOT swim - and never made the effort to LEARN....

I mean sucking your lungs full of air will keep you afloat - just manage to breath in and hold it and breath out and back in very quickly every 10 seconds and you can bob around for ages... no effort.

Fuck them - let them drown - I am eating my ham, cheese and tomato sandwich - People who cannot swim - either go learn or read a book or get some thing to hang onto and go practice, or stay the fuck out of the water....

Fuck them - angrier than ever.


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I swam across this river when I was 5 because there was bumper to bumper traffic coming the other way over the bridge and lots of people on foot..... I just said, "fuck it - I will just swim back" - got half way across and thought, "a bit puffed" and looked down stream and out to sea and thought, "well I am not that fucking puffed" and all was well...... So fuck people who cannot swim. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/B1NJ....NW/arthur-river-brid https://images.squarespace-cdn.....com/content/v1/5745

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It's 15,000 Km to Argentina from here.... Not swimming that either.

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