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Surprise Sucker! The Baby Is Yours - MGTOW

Published on 10 Dec 2020 / In Film & Animation

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman I love your work and what you do. I find it really sad that the big tech is trying to stop and censor you. So here's another donation and topic. I was watching Bounty Hunter D on YouTube and one of his segments is called Find My Baby Daddy. I've noticed in these videos that all these women have 3 things in common. 1 is they do this only for the money and not about the children. Because in one of the videos when the man was determined to be the father of this girl's child she immediately said you better start giving me that money. 2 They are all women who don't know how to keep their legs closed or wear protection. Shows like Maury and Steve Wilkos are only the softer side of this because they always paint them, the women as the victims. 3 They never tell the men they are pregnant. This is another blood boiling topic that annoys the heck out of me. I pray to God that one day we make artificial reproductive organic sex bots CHEERS" Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. It's not that these women that get pregnant and then surprise the men that knocked them up without a plan. It's not like they don't know how to wear protection. It's that they don't want to wear it or take the pill. It's men that are stupid enough to take their Jimmy hats off and then get all shocked when little Jimmy comes knocking at their door alongside their mother the extortion whore. Of course many such women do this only for the money. But of course if you call them out on that they will claim that you're a monster for not thinking about the children. The children are the cover story and plausible deniability. Just to be clear Of course they are doing for the children to some extent. But how much only momma knows. Child support money goes to the children but no one keeps a tab on how much and where. Plus no one can say anything because mothers are seen as sacred in our society. Before I discuss all this and more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Teaven I don't know any of the television shows you mentioned except for I guess Maury Povich. What really pisses me off about all this is that women claim that it's my body my rules. More like I used my body to rule over you with a baby to boot. Doesn't anyone else see the double standard. It's your baby when she wants something from you. It's her baby when she's not pleased by you in some way and threatens to take away the
child. What kind of a sick and twisted manipulator with tits is this? You want to spend time with the child and she wants to control you through your love of that child. First she controls you through your throbbing cock and later when you face the dreaded dead bedroom syndrome she controls you through your love of her cooch fruit. Women cherry pick when the child is yours versus when it's theirs. If they like to cherry pick so much they should go buy an orchard. In the case of shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich the men are hit with the news like a bag full of dildos on national tv and encourage to take off their shoes and use them as projectiles. First of all the men are stupid enough to fall for such bullshit so I don't have sympathy for them because of that.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

get with a female and you got a 75% chance of getting a life long STI........ condoms dont do anything for skin it does not directly cover.....the price of poon is WAY TOO HIGH to even take a chance........ expand your career and let the spoiled brats burn themselves out.

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Atton 4 years ago

Condoms + birth control they provide protection of stds keeping both man and woman safe.

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LongRedRoad 4 years ago

get clipped young just in case you have sudden rash of dick thinking!
that way you can put a partial limit on the high cost of your relation-shit.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

#me too makes ANY female interaction a game of russian roulette.......... if you want to survive you HAVE TO ignore the little head.

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

Sounds like a great show but how about other vices that destroy the sacredness..
Time for accountability in the pubic eye.
Also give them a way out of their shock immediately in an emotional fit. As to be a self proclaimed public example of their new place in the world or recently out of it

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sauger1001 4 years ago

In my case (so far, and I've been monk mode for 17yrs, and counting), it's "Mama's baby, Daddy's... maybe... not".

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