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Poor Women Shouldn't Date - MGTOW

Published on 01 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Poor people shouldn’t date.

Just because I’m in my underwear

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a topic so what I'd like to do is share a recent reddit post I've put in the description called: Poor People Shouldn't Date and here's what some woman on the female dating strategy reddit named Glow Up Glue Up has to say and I quote: "I have male friends who think walking dates and gym dates are ok and they're also poor. If you're poor you should not be dating, you should be using your spare time on working to achieve in your career so you can be a more desirable partner." unquote. Notice how miss glow doesn't say that poor men shouldn't date and instead says poor people shouldn't date. As if being poor will every stop a woman from dating. When I dated that girl I nickname Sailor Spoon she was broke and I told her I was only going to pay half. So she borrowed money from her parents so she could go out on a date with me. At least that's what she told me possibly trying to make me feel sorry for her so I would fail her shit test and pay for the entire date. I didn't care and still got to make out with her and didn't pay full price for her fried rice. By the logic that miss Glow puts out there then Sailor Spoon shouldn't have gone out on dates with me either because she was poor. But twenty bucks, the same twenty bucks that Sailor Spoon supposedly borrowed from her parents says that only poor men shouldn't date. Women are fine dating regardless of their career and financial status because there's always a sucker there to take the tab. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Other women on that Reddit gave away the game by saying they wish that society would shame cheap or broke men for trying to go out on dates. Ironically these same women that say they never date a broke man probably would if he was a hot homeless guy. I've had guys send me stories about how women in LA would avoid them and go for homeless beach bums instead. Clearly there's a double standard that women won't mention. If you're good looking and have the right genes you can get in her jeans without spending your green. The women on Reddit were also freaked out about the idea that a guy would ask out a girl on a gym date so they can workout together. I guess some guy asked her if she could watch his muscles swell up at the local gym and hoped that she would let something else swell up inside her. Women of course will never admit that the guy that takes the woman to the gym is probably a muscular brute that understands that women are attracted to his body so it's a place for him to show it off. Women will set aside their desire to be wined and dined to be with a man like that. But they don't want the super hot guys to know that they don't have to spend money on them to get laid. They don't want men to know that to women the most important thing is looks. Growing up I remember and working out for a couple of hours a day in high school and wearing tank tops like AC slater back in the nineties when I'd walk down a hallway women wouldn't look my in the eye. They would look at my torso. Clearly that was what they wanted. They want resources from the hot guys too and not just the beta male mules. To say that there's one standard of man and another would mean that the less attractive men might get upset and stop orbiting them or start closing their wallets. They need the beta male backup plan to kick in after they get kicked off the cock carousel. Plus they only speak negatively about cheap men with regards to dating.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Sir_666 4 years ago

I can attest to Sandman's point in the Video, as a Past Gym Rat, that a Muscular Physique ( Gymnast, Boxer, or a Male stripper's Muscular Physique) will definitely Increase A Man's SMV/ Attractiveness to Women to the point of Minimizing or Eliminating the need to Spend $$$ on her to get her into bed.

I have gotten a good few Women with just Flaunting my Muscular physique with just Average Facial looks in the past Therefore, most Guys can likely do the same with some effort.

And of course, Facial Attractiveness will also Definitely help Regardless of Homeless or otherwise.

Incidentally, this has All been going on Noticeably to me and others since as far back as the 1980s and has Only gotten more Prevalent.

Furthermore, this all really shouldn't be a surprise to Guys. For example, just look at the type of Slim -Medium Muscular physiques of Guys on the Cover of Romance Novels OR Google Male strippers. The same thing goes for lots of Today's portrayed heroes in Movies more than in the past. Before in the past, the Guy hero in Movies just had to have Reasonable Facial good looks ( .i.e. James Bond). But Now, he needs to also have some Muscle on his physical frame as Well ( Daniel Craig - James Bond compared to Sean Connery - James Bond).

Lastly, when I was in the dating game, I'd pay for a Coffee at most, or I went Dutch $ $ $ ( half/half). And I suggest guys " Still " Dating do the same. If the Woman is Genuinely interested in you, you will NOT, need to put out much money NOR Extravagance. Otherwise, don't waste your Valuable Time & Money. Just move on to the Next Women that's another " Penny Amongst the Billion ". ツ

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Freeatlast 4 years ago

If a guy does not have the triple six , women won’t go out. If A guy has money without looks or whatever, women still won’t go out with that guy.
Beta guys with bucks get the women that are knocked up, single parent, serious problem, or are leftovers.

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richabh 4 years ago

Thank you for continuing to put out this critical content despite the world falling apart. Sandman pushes forward no matter what!

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zdoctor 4 years ago

in my experience i now avoid being used so i dont date anymore. i started taking care of myself now not someone else. best thing i ever did.

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