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Publicado em 07 Apr 2021 / Em ONGs & Ativismo

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 4 anos atrás

Peoplem don't realise palistine as no army as such, they literally throw a brick over the wall the state respond with rockets. The same fucks who let them do it won the war and are in control now aswell as brainwashing pure hate towards anyone not in their culture. If you trely wanna know why this has been going on for thousands of years, look into byzantine rome and the khazars

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Lucifer333 4 anos atrás

Its their land now, I am sure Germans would like (current Eastern Poland) territories back Stalin gave to the Poles,,..., the old man had a friend filming this from a distance... because the West is cucked and like victim points, Any American not liking this, give the land back to the Indians, ok?

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thunderwarrior 4 anos atrás

im not sure if people have forgotten this lesson but you don't have a natural right to any land, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is the survival of the fittest if you find yourself losing in the game of life chances are your opponent is doing something better then you and it is up to you to adapt and overcome how all life forms must if they want to continue living in this world

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Lucifer333 4 anos atrás

exactly, might make right,.. dont loose war, dont put yourself into a position to loose wars, Swiss have their land now since 1291, nobody fucks with them

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thunderwarrior 4 anos atrás

@Fangs13: yeah thats how it works just look at central and south america there used to be a whole bunch of native American tribes there till the Spanish showed and either killed or fucked them out of existence and all that is left are the Hispanics

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thunderwarrior 4 anos atrás

@Fangs13: actually the English protestants fucked up because they just drove the natives to the reservations instead of just kill the men, fuckn the women and raising the kids as protestants therefore wiping out the native culture now we have to listen to their bitching about having their land stolen compared to the Spanish who did kill the men, raped the women and raised there kids catholic and now there are only Hispanics around not whining about having their land stolen. you could also be like genghis khan and just conquer and rape your way across the continent leaving behind a shit ton of descendants. i mean honestly lion and chimpanzees do this, so why would you think humans would be any different?

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thunderwarrior 4 anos atrás

@Fangs13: dont despair nature is not good or evil, it's just is, also i dont know about you but im having fun with this conversation

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mrghoster 4 anos atrás

JEW's in their Natural habitat? Remeber another video where a rabbi say's Jew's are a people and not a religion? Here's a perfect example of that? nothing godly near these moron's. Poor old bastard I bet he wont be taking a trip down memory lane for a while?

People forget that the Palestinian's had their land stolen from them by the jew's and the jew lover's? This video is a microcosm of how the Jew's treat all of us who are NOT one of their type?

It also put's me in mind of how the fefail and feminism is now treating MEN? Packs of them attacking a solitary MAN? If Covid exist (which I don't believe it does) but if it did I think humanity is in desperate need of a CULL and a really BIG one at that?

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bluewaters 4 anos atrás

The Jewish settlers were always the real terrorists, behaving like a mob, bunch of animals, disrespecting international law and moral and divine laws, oh well justice is served in this life or the next.

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