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MGTOW Is The Most Dangerous Thing For Women

Published on 22 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman I just heard the video about you not playing the game with YouTube. So I though about what you said and thinking about dropping the MGTOW label to reach out and saving more lives. These are only my thoughts. I think we should stand our ground with the MGTOW label. I know your bleeding chips brother especially through this beer bug but you had mave it this far on YouTube for a reason. The label they know if you leave you’ll take millions with you. We can’t save all our blue pill brothers, (For once upon a time we too were Simp Lords lol) All kidding aside though you change everything with the label and once the virtual sex thing happens it’ll break the cycle of the human species repeating itself. But please stand your ground. It’s a harsh reality. Take it from me, I’m a American Mexican who’s a man that openly talks at family gatherings about everything and especially red pill philosophy to other Mexican men. I do it because I know I won’t red pill everyone but at least a few to change the course of our future." Well Juan thanks for the donation and for sharing your thoughts. I've given more thought about the idea of dropping the MGTOW label and won't do it for now so long as things are ok financially for me. But at some point I might have to if I want to do this full time. But I haven't been backed into that corner yet even though YouTube has completely demonetized my channel and throttled my traffic back. Lately traffic has gone up a bit which makes me happy. The owner of MGTOW.tv said that it won't work if I create a new channel and get it monetized because YouTube already knows who I am. He's most likely right but you never know. YouTube has been a bit better regarding censorship the last number of months. But MGTOW is the most dangerous thing for women and I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the show. What pisses me off is the MRA, PUA, Feminist, Incel and even MGTOW channels that exist without the label are all monetized. MGTOW stirs up so much fear in women that they are ok if men talk about female nature and make channels that get five to ten million views a month like Better Bachelor and Think Before You Sleep. But god forbid that you give a name to this phenomena which people can quickly look up and get a coles notes summary of the belief system. Leftist feminists are a wacky bunch. They believe that somehow punishing those that use the acronym MGTOW by taking their money and therefore power away, power of course being the only thing they truly understand that somehow we will stop doing what we do. This has worked for many content producers but not myself. They either re-branded, dropped the label or stopped producing content and they are no longer on the left's radar screen. I saw it as a challenge to keep using the acronym and keep my money and power. To adapt to what they've thrown at me. So that's why the author of that relatively recent Guardian article mentioned me and all the views I get on YouTube and no one else in the manosphere. Because I keep the idea of a name to unite our ideas together alive. In a way I am making it mine because I rarely see anyone use it these days. They occasionally mention MGTOW deep in their videos towards the end but they are like the student of Hogwarts avoiding the name Voldemort.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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I send messages to Sue Willujizzinme, to go fuck herself AND tells her I will see her in court.....

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BigBrianUK 4 years ago

Nope, You Tube banned my channel just for being subscribed to many Mgtow channels, for breaking community guidelines, even though I make no content.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

You tube is PRAVDA....... they are toying with you and will reduce you to a pleading pile of poo ..... bail , censorship must not be tolerated..

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awol201 4 years ago

That was some dark shit, i loved it .

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