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Publicado en 06 Jan 2021 / En Comedia

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4 años hace  

Don't bring them to the West. Big mistake

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Maxxx 4 años hace


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AlexM209 4 años hace

America, if we can loose an election to liberals, we can also loose the culture war to these guys and we need to.

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Pariah 4 años hace

Aren't these kind of shows tended to be fake, though? The entire thing could've been staged. But I share some of the dude's sentiments. The wife lied to him, and old world Muslims in general are conservative, her husband might not be as furious if she told him she met some muscular guy. Sure, he'll be pissed, but not as much. But then, she kept saying "But this is America" if I hear that I'd be furious myself & I'm not even a Muslim.
This outrage reminded me of a Hindu myth of an ancient Indian hero by the name of Parashurama. There was a part where his father sent him to kill his mother for looking at another man. So I don't think this is something exclusively Muslim, might be an Indian culture, India & Pakistan used to be the same country after all.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 años hace

She probably didn’t do a lot more with Mohamed before she was married though.
Feminism has eroded females.

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anonmachina 4 años hace

America--turning housekeeper wives to whores, one at a time.

No, not good. But, just sayin'.

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RaphaelMichaels 4 años hace

Thats where it starts...the next thing you know she'll be sucking dick and eating her friends pussy. The man is right....he doesn't want his wife emulating white women but it's always the female friends that cause your wife to cheat. You'll tell her not to be a slut - the female friends will convince her to be a slut.

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Stinky_Hillbilly 4 años hace

Bwhahahhaha! "the next thing you know she'll be sucking dick and eating her friends pussy. " Exactly right! He should have left her at home with her family.

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