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Published on 14 Jan 2022 / In Entertainment

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Doggk 3 years ago  





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mrghoster 3 years ago

One question? was the delivery of Croc's or Gater's delayed. they should have held the event at the local sewage farm! lol! Would make a change to see fefaqils in the shit for once! lol!

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

With the make up all washed down, will their natural beauty reveals?

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Doggk 3 years ago

Well they still look fresh hahhaha that's what's funny about that ^^

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Pariah 3 years ago

Damn, Doggk really LOVES northeastern Thai music. Are you sure you don't want to live in Laos instead? It's their national folk music after all lol! Not to mention, Lao girls can be really pretty as well! ;) (Probably half French but I don't know for sure).

Okay, enough jokes from me. Wouldn't want people to think I'm bitter for some reason (I don't even think I sounded bitter).
I remembered this, it's winter 2020. Amidst the big pandemic scare & Biden's "winter of death"!
But I'm curious, does any of these women come across as beautiful or attractive to westerners out there? Or are they too white, face too small, face too round, nose too pointy or something? Really, I want to know. What are some desirable facial features you find irresistible?

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Doggk 3 years ago

Yeah I'm proud to admit that I do love Northeastern Thai music ^^ Yup I'm aware that Lao, Thai or Cambodian women can be really beautiful. Half french is not a must for me.. Well Physically spoken.. There are beautiful and ugly everywhere on the planet.. But what attracts many men to Thais or in short asians.. Is femininity more than looks.. Which is something very rare these days in the west.. Females here are females physically but mentally they think like men, they behave like men, they speak like men.. And that's a big No no.. Red flag for me and for many others.. There's absolutely nothing attractive to females acting like men.. In my video "Why men go to thailand part 2" There's a part of the millionaire who talks about polarity between men and women.. If there's no polarity in couple.. Well it's not going to work.. Sooner or later it ends up in a break-up.. And if it works.. It's going to be hell for everyone.. And you guys are going to be a very bad role model for your kids.. Thai females seem to still know where their place is.. While western females, or even africans or latinas don't.. And that's for me the most attractive thing in Thai women and most asian women.. But honnestly I love their slanted eyes, it sounds strange but eyes for me is a big deal.. Most of Thais are slim and it shows that they take care of themselves.. Compare a Thai woman with a western female when they hit the wall.. Thai women in their 40s are still beautiful.. While western females tend to become more fat, less attractive,.. And that says a lot.. For the facial features.. Skin color doesn't matter to me.. But yup they have nice faces and nice bodies.. Sometimes too skinny but some have attractive curves.. I think it's really a matter of taste above all. And everyone has their own taste. Some people like black women, some like latinas, some like blue-eyed blondes and some like me prefer Asian women. I could never get involved with a woman who doesn't attract me physically. So the physical element is very important. I would like to ask you a question too.. Because Thai men are mostly seen with Thai women but some have a weakness for Western women and in the last few years we see more and more of them with American and European women. Is a Thai woman more attractive to a Thai man than a Western, Latin or African woman? or is it the opposite ?

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Pariah 3 years ago

@Doggk: If you like northeastern Thai music, maybe hit up a northeastern Thai restaurant (if there are any) & order some som tum & Thai roasted chicken, see if that hits your vibe lol. Man, hearing you keep blasting northeastern Thai music makes me want to get some roasted chicken lol (maybe I should get roasted chicken tomorrow). I'm not 1 of those American feminists. I'm not going to judge on what you like. I'm just mostly curious since pretty much all westerners seem to ignore all the pretty Thai women & go for the northeastern ones who are considered to be the least attractive of the bunch. Like I said, now a very polite way to say ugly is "white people will find you attractive". So yeah, I actually want to know that do you see any of these beauty pageants beautiful at all lol. So according to you, it's more on the values. I guess you're right. But still, I'll exphasize, it's because men & women are expected to follow obligations. It's not that Thai women are nice, they expect something in return for them playing their roles. The popular believe is western men are dedicated in fullfilling the husband duties & obligations & Thai men are lazy. To me, all Thais are lazy. They just want to piggyride foreigner's wallet & slacking off while dissing on Thai men. But where do you see Asian men with western women? I need to be there ASAP lol! Well, like I commented on 1 of Solomanzone's vids. Thais generally have white fever, so white Europeans & Americans will get the attention just for that fact alone. Like you can see the pageants here & the trap vids you made. You see a lot of white Thai women. You also remember my complaints about how you only show ugly Thai women in your "Why men go to Thailand" series as well. Skin colour is a part of it, then the face. I also asked you if you know about rhinoplasty being popular in the northeast. Because Thais find pointy nose to be attractive & natural northeasterners have flat nose & square jaw. If you ask if Thai people find Thai girls to be attractive. Well, definitely not northeastern Thai girls in her natural state. Most of the time, Northern Thai girls are considered the prettiest & the central Thai girls as the 2nd (metropolitan Bangkok). Now, the white girls. To me, Europeans & Americans are quite straightforward people. Sometimes frighteningly so to the point of inappropriate & it's hard to comprehend that white people hold anything sacred or inappropriate at all sometimes. Like, white tourist girls love to show off their skin while they are here, which doesn't really help at all. Their boldness is rather refreshing. When I talk to white people, white people tend to ask questions back, it feels like you are being listened to, not just a nod or a "yes", which is what many Asians would do. When I talk to white people, I have to exaggerate my reactions sometimes because I know you wouldn't understand my non verbal queues or you'd think I wasn't listening to you (then I realized if I exaggerate, you're afraid I'll take offense or I mean everything I said. Now I don't really know what to do lol). I know MGTOW people complains about women's shit test. But I find it hard to comprehend that white women knows how to hide anything at all. It's like, your openness generally makes you a bad liar. I don't even understand why incels are even a thing. American women loves making her opinions heard, just find a woman who'll accept you. I don't know, maybe you wouldn't mind explaining someof the European/American non verbal queues?

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Pariah 3 years ago

@Doggk: Do you think she's hot?

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Doggk 3 years ago

@Pariah: Som Tum (Pappaya salad right) is so delicious !! I get you on this one.. But I never tasted roasted Thai chicken unfortunately.. I'll surely will in the future but not in europe, in Thailand lol. I've got to admit that some western dudes don't know how to choose a beautiful chick.. Same thing when they choose an african lady.. But some of these dudes aren't beautiful themselves.. and it's understandable that they'll feel better with someone who's on the same level of beauty.. I can't judge on Thai men because the only Thai man I know is you.. I never been to Thailand so I'm not in the position to criticize Thai men.. But I do confirm that I heard very often that Thai women gave a really bad reputation to Thai men.. About Thai women expecting something in return for them playing their role is totally normal.. Wherever you'll go on the planet.. Same rules apply most of the time.. It's human nature.. And look if she does her job right.. It's a honor to provide for such a woman.. It's so rare to find women playing their role correctly these days.. So I guess, we have to give them credit for that they deserve it.. But for that part where you say Thai ladies and men are lazy.. Hmm I don't think so but you know more than me about the subject.. My impression of Thai people is that they are hard working people with values and a lot of talent.. The things I see in videos about Thailand when I have to compare with us in Europe.. You guys are doing much better for so many things.. But that's my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong.. Sure, I need to visit your country and live there for some time in order to give a full and correct comparison.. For the part about more and more asian men dating western females.. I see it more with Koreans, Japanese and Chinese.. A lot of men of these countries love western females, latinas and some like africans too.. But yeah.. I don't see Thai men dating outside their race.. That's a fact.. But you still didn't answer my question lol ^^ and I'm really curious to hear your answer.. I'm aware that plastic surgery is something many people in Asia go through.. More than in the west. But about that pointy nose.. I didn't know it's a beauty criteria in Thailand.. Good to know !! For the fact that white people are very reactive and very touchy / emotionnal is true.. It's something I noticed with the years when you compare them with other races of people.. White people always share their opinion without shame.. And yup I understand your point about being open and different makes it's sometimes difficult to communicate with people of other races etc.. It's something which happened to me too.. So don't worry you're not alone. For the non verbal queues, I think honnestly you already know some of them.. You have probably see it through western movies and at your work.. But for some other things you need to live for a moment in the West to really understand these things.. Same thing for me but for Asia.. I've a few Asian friends.. But they are westernized so it's difficult for me to say something about it.. But I noticed that asians tend to have shorter answers, more reserved personalities and not only that they smile a lot to communicate.. But that's more for Thais.. Chinese people are totally different.. They smile a lot but they don't communicate with their smiles they use it often to escape an embarassing question, statement etc.. It's a form of answer if I interpreted it correctly.. I dated a Chinese woman years ago and that's what I saw sometimes, but she was also westernized so it's difficult to be sure about that.. Westeners tend to be more real for some things, less reserved.. When they are upset or angry.. You're really going to see it.. Some will be explicit and express themselves.. For the others you got to take a look to their face expressions.. They don't hide their feelings.. Same thing when they are bored or happy.. But that's something you learn with the experience..

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Doggk 3 years ago

@Pariah: For the Thai K-pop star.. She's not that bad but that's not my style to be honnest.. She looks too superficial to me.. She got a beautiful face but I've seen better.. I give her a 6.5/10.. I prefer women who look more natural, like "Bongkoj Khongmalai" for example (I'm sure you know her) ^^

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Pariah 3 years ago

@Doggk: I thought I answered your queston. Thai people have white fever. So light skin will be considered attractive. That also includes white Thais or half Chinese Thais. Now that you've mentioned it, take a look at these 2 & see how white & how Chinese they look. ....///...

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Pariah 3 years ago

@Doggk: These girls were popular before that Lisa girl came about. I don't think Lisa is anywhere near as attractive as these 2. Yet Lisa won "most beautiful face in the world" 6 yrs in a row! Can you see why I start having a problem with white people going after our ugly women? We have actual beautiful women here dammit! lol. But I suppose, all is not lost because you at least think Tak is hot (and she is). I was going to share a 3rd picture but I don't want to look spammy. Anyways, that's why I don't like the silent Asian non verbal queues. it could mean "I agree" or "I don't want to talk because I'm angry or I don't care", or it could mean "I disagree but I won't say anything". But to white people, it means "I'm not listening" right? Good thing you know about the smile, sometimes it means "I don't know". When I say Thai people are lazy, I meant in the context of what these Thai women who dates foreigners & dissing on Thai mean meant. These women are just as lazy or even more than the Thai men they claim to hate. These women just disses on Thai men just to make themselves look better about themselves & it seems to work. If we get down to it, Thais are lazy & these women who disses on Thai men, are not that different at all. My guess why you don't see Thai people dating outside their race so much, might be because Thai people are shy, that reservedness can be seen as being shy as well, right? Lots of Thais still can't speak English too well. Thai women don't need to do anything to get picked up by foreigners, all she needs to do is just nod, smile & say yes. Also because this country is still a 3rd world country, nowhere as rich as Japan, Korea or China. Would a white girl ditch her 1st world life to live a 3rd world life in Thailand unless the Thai guy is rich to provide her that 1st world life? lol.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Perhaps next time, they'll wear their ? swimsuits, before taking a photo shoot on a bridge. Lol.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

So, has Doggk "taken the plunge", and moved to Thailand? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).

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Doggk 3 years ago

It's a trick question huh? ^^

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