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Bananas In Her Pants - MGTOW

Published on 27 Nov 2019 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, here is my video request. Conservatives have come out against transgender women participating in women's sports on the pretext that it is unfair for biological males to compete against women. But I sense that the issue goes deeper than that. Making women's sports "fair" is not worth spilling an ounce of ink over, but NRO and the American Conservative have published several articles about it (one written by a feminist). From what I gather, the biggest sin (from a conservative pov) that is committed by trans women is that they are biological males who have completely rejected their masculinity, and conservatives are heavily invested in regulating the behavior of men. There are articles at NRO and the American Conservative imploring men to "man up" and learn to fight etc, but none imploring women to dress modestly and make motherhood the focus of their lives. They are gung ho on manhood, but lax on the traditional role of women. If they were opposed to transgenderism because it bucks gender norms, they would be opposed to the very existence of women's sports which they seek to save from trans women. Women's sports does not help girls develop the nurturing skills to raise children. It is competitive and simulates warfare. And not only would they be opposed to sports, but women who climb the corporate ladder, join the military and even women who run for office. Until the last 50 years, these were exclusively male domains. The point is that women have been "trans" for the past several decades without going the extra step of calling themselves men and strapping on a prosthetic. As I say, conservatives have no problem with any of this, only when men do. My question Sandman is why are conservatives so inconsistent on the issue of gender norms?" Well Scott thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. Perhaps all that feminism, twerking and scantily clad women out there in the streets and naked in the bed sheets have started to desensitize the conservatives so they are far less likely to impose
restictions on a woman's behavior? Could it be possible that conservatives or traditional cucks believe that men's roles should remain the same while women should become more and more liberated? Conservative views on gays have changed. So why wouldn't they also change on females? Twenty to twenty-five years ago conservatives would never have been accepting of gays. Today you have gay conservatives and libertarians like Dave Rubin and Milo Yanopolous. They have most likely been socially conditioned to accept women's liberation and equality. But at the same time most tradcucks aren't even aware of men's oppression. Scott we in the manosphere are in the minority.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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Freeatlast 5 years ago

Whatever works for a woman's favor is what they only want. If something doesn't go the way a woman wants, then it is not OK.
Same mindset with a woman forever. Only what they want.
That is why patriarchy is so bad in their eyes.

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LouieMalvessiMusic 5 years ago

MGTOW.COM rules. May it rise.

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