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All Men Should Date Women - MGTOW

Published on 04 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Network Firefighter. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so what I thought I'd do is cover something that someone named Luis sent me as a message and question through Facebook. So here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, This might seem counterintuitive, but shouldn't all men (and not just young guys) consider dating while they can? After all, women are getting progressively worse with every passing year and one day might make today's thots look like angels. What are you thoughts?" Well Luis thanks for the topic. I'll get to my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Luis you sound like myself when I made my monks of MGTOW video back in 2015. Mind you at least you're at least trying to rationalize a somewhat good reason for going to the plantation which is fomo or fear of missing out. Missing out on women because they are better today than they will be tomorrow. The reason I tell young guys to date especially in high school, with the right precautions, is because it makes sense. You know she's attracted to you for you and not your money, because you don't have any. It's the ultimate validation to be accepted as a the physical person that you are. When you're older you don't have any way to no for sure if she's attracted to you or if she's attracted to your casharoo and she wants to put it into her coocharoo pouch and hop out of there with more than half of your spoils and a baby roo in tow. You know to keep even more casharoo flowing from you. But seriously Luis what's an older guy going to miss out on besides herpes and women hopped up on antidepressants because their cats died? You're going to lose valuable time and money as you get older that you'll never get back in a world where it's harder and harder to get ahead because you're too busy chasing head. Yes women get progressively worse as they age and no I'm not talking about simply looks. I am also well aware that social justice and feminism is effecting girls before they become teenagers and we are seeing the rise in girls bullying boys because of it and boys aren't fighting back against that because they don't have the mental tools and using for physical fists and other tools is forbidden for them. Luis maybe you're dating right now and it's changing your perception of reality and that's why you're telling guys to date while trying to rationalize your decision. Maybe you're bargaining with yourself about going out and finding a girlfriend and you want my validation before you get a woman's? I don't know. Most guys over the age of forty understand there's little to no benefit getting married and probably little to no benefit dating. In my teens, twenties and early to mid thirties I was afraid I would end up all alone in my old age and quite honestly it brought me to tears many times. But now after forty the idea of not being alone in the coming decades brings anger and depression. Are you telling me that I should go out there and date right now because in ten years it will be even worse for me?

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wroger_wroger 5 years ago

Screen the crazies out by working on your own issues first, and getting a game plan. download this, strip it to MP3 and really play it and do a written inventory - like a life time business plan... with daily updates.

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wildcat4mation 5 years ago

Not today's atmosphere. After 1960's that should have ended any male wanting to marry females. After 2018, the #metoo movement has wrecked dating or any friends with benefits. The laws need to change...PRONTO

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wroger_wroger 5 years ago

Yeah but the stupid entitled cunts love this shit so much, what they think is a win win, makes them bigger losers than ever (collectively) and only stupid losers get lead around by the dick.... so thats a great deal for female and male idiots.

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wildcat4mation 5 years ago

It is fun to be on the sidelines looking at these beta males being manipulated and women running around like chicken with their heads cut off.

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Daniel69j 5 years ago

Your the fucking man sandman much love

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