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Early Case Of Baby Rabbies - MGTOW

Published on 26 Feb 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Veedaman. But his story is a long one so let me first tell you about today's sponsor first which is the MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on 200K in southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to Veedaman and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I am a aingle man approaching his mid 30’s with no kids or wife. About 5 years ago I was dating someone who I thought I was eventually going to marry and settle down with. We had a lot of fun Until she decided she wanted to have kids. I tried to convince her that we should wait and try and get her school loans paid off and buy a home before having kids so we won’t struggle as much. She was just getting into her Internship after graduating plus she had monthly car payments with some credit card debt. Which she was working hard to pay off at the time with the money she was making at her paid internship. I was willing to help her financially to help pay off some of her debt. I myself at the time was working a crappy job not making much while trying to better myself and break into a career as a programmer. Fortunately, she stuck by me and supported me through those tough times. As she turned 28 years old eventually she brought up the topic about kids again. I stood my stance on waiting to have kids until she is debt free plus we had made plans early in our relationship to travel to other countries and states before settling down and having kids. Which was something I really wanted to do before settling down. I had finally landed my first programming job making more money than I ever have before. I guess I wanted to enjoy my new gain success I just gain a bit longer before having kids and settling down. Around that time she started to accuse me of cheating, looking at other girls with a lustful desire in my eyes, and watching porn behind her back and would get really suspicious if I was checking my phone for a few minutes. Anything excuse she could make that had to do with other women in video games, TV, movies, or media in general, I would get accused for fantasizing about said women. I told and explain to her time and time again that I wasn’t doing such things and why would I if I am happily involved with someone romantically? I mean we had good sex in bed, it just didn’t make any sense on why she kept accusing me all of a sudden. We would get into arguments which seem like every other week about this topic. Eventually, she broke up with me saying it’s hard for her to trust me and she no longer has the same romantic feeling for me and she just wanted to be friends moving forward. What choice did I have if she didn’t believe me? Fortunately, I figured this was going to happen sooner or later down the road and I was prepared and accepting of our potential breakup. I was given her the benefit of the doubt and thinking maybe eventually she’ll see and understand that I am not doing such degrading things and painting me to be this lustful monster in her eyes. So we broke up and parted ways and never really contacted me again. Well later I find out through social media and friend circles that she had been cheating on me and was seeing another guy behind my back.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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ancientsea 5 years ago

The other guy had mental issues....she said. Does anyone know this, ''other guy"? Is there any reason to believe her story? Not to beat a dead horse, but, these girls are pretty smart with monkey-branching. Girls are also cautious about the guy they let put a bun-in-the-oven. She thought she had a better deal, and, he left her because he could find better chicks. He wasn't a ''bad-boy'', he was a NINER.

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