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Size Doesn't Matter? - MGTOW

425 vistas
Publicado en 29 Oct 2020 / En Personas y blogs

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The Fed's Losing Battle with Deflation (w/ Jeff Booth)

Harrison Bergeron

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKSn_RoA5gE

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron. He sent me a more than generous donation and I've decided I'll make one video with his questions and comments with half of what he sent and something I want to cover with the other half. Many of you are thinking all sorts of things with the title of the video. Does the Sandman mean the size of a woman's spicy top or bottom regions matter? Does a man's size matter? Or does something else matter? Of the three I'm going to discuss the third option, something else. I learned about a fellow Canadian named Jeff Booth early this year when I watched the Real Vision Finance interview with him after he released his book. I watched it and understood what he was saying but at that time the coof wasn't really around so I didn't think too much of it. Since then governments all over the world have been ferociously creating money and handing it over to corporations and sending people cheques.
For example here in Canada many people were actually getting more money not working instead of going out there to earn money. Right now the government here as I script this is a few days away from discussing the potential to introduce universal basic income. I could be that covid could be being used as an excuse by the elites to print money and hand it off to the citizens in the name of disease in order to increase the velocity of money instead of dealing with the negative effects of deflation. According to Jeff the deflation is technological in nature and that the people that run central banks need inflation to keep this system going so they are therefore doing quantitative easing by printing. We've never faced anything like this before and I tend to agree with him that there's no way to stop technology at this point from making cars, computers, phones and many other things cheaper. So the people in power are trying to balance how cheap technology is making some things by boosting the prices of other things. They refuse to let the system cleanse itself. So what's a person to do with his money and lifestyle in general at this tumultuous point in history? I
script this on the eve of Justinian Trudeau the Canadian beaver emperor wanting to introduce universal basic income for Canadians. I know what I'm going to do if he sends everyone two thousand dollars a month. I'll buy gold and crypto and store both of them outside of Canada. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Before I discuss ways to protect yourself from the insanity of the money printing elites let me discuss the four or five ways that Jeff sees this situation playing out. Remember that different countries might have to deal with different situations so where you're living will certainly influence what happens. He says that thanks to the money printing and boosting of asset prices there will be a continued increase in wealth inequality. Housing and stocks will keep going up in price because that's where most of the printed money is going. That means as more banksters and governments buy up property they will increase the rents and people will be poorer than ever. Some of those people will just say to hell with it all and want to Burn it all down.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Duugus 4 años hace

in exchange for the UBI, is that you and your progeny are a slave forever. You will own nothing. This is being done in all countries as the banksters bring in a planet wide digital money system.

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toxicmasculinity 4 años hace

The jews already cut your dick off. How much more of a slave could you be? You're not even a man.

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Duugus 4 años hace

@toxicmasculinity: I think you are lost. Reread what I posted. Its a political issue and I can assure you my dick is intact.

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libertyanyday 4 años hace

own realestate..... it will take years to evict you and at least you are out of the rain.

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libertyanyday 4 años hace

the govt will immediately outlaw btc........ anything not under their control, is counterfeit. gold and silver in your pocket is UNTOU CHABLE, and is the only surviving money

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Freeatlast 4 años hace

Size does not matter? What, the size of her g-unt and ass, or the size of a guys wallet.

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sardonicsmile 4 años hace

Important post, here

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