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Big Cities Are Broke & Full Of Whamen! Is This A Coincidence? - MGTOW

Published on 02 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

James Kunstler: How bad architecture wrecked cities

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Sebastian and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I’m sure you are very well aware of the collapse of the west getting colder and closer everyday, and it looks like that prophecy is coming true. With big cities like NY, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis are suffering great losses from people fleeing in record numbers due to the riots, and strict covid lockdowns. New York is a disgusting poophole that I myself couldn’t have imagined, and other cities like Paris, London, Sydney, and Berlin looking pretty bad as well with millions of migrants coming from boats from places like Somalia, Congo, Algeria, Syria etc who don’t respect western culture and do whatever we want, and the worst part is our politicians enable it. I was thinking that once this collapse happens, where else are we supposed to go? There are a few places I have in mind, most of the options involve places that are far away from cities and mostly are in small towns or villages around mountains, forests. Big Sky Montana, Jackson-Hole Wyoming, Denali Alaska, Vancouver Island, Sussex UK, Provence France, Switzerland and Bavarian alps in Germany are a few retire places I have in mind. Could it be possible that there will be an increase of tourism in small towns, forest or beach houses away from society. After the collapse of western civilization and western cities, what places would you recommend to move to after after western collapse of cities? Keep up the good work and cheers! :)" Well Sebastian thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to clown world. So where would I recommend moving to after the collapse of western cities? The problem of course is that western cities more often then not are connected to western currencies. I'm increasingly thinking that the money printing will not stop and that western countries will ruin their currencies. So all those expats moving abroad and relying on their western pension money to pay their living expenses could get screwed. I don't think you can look at this situation as moving from the permanent place you live today to another permanent place tomorrow. The reason people in the past couldn't move out of Germany before the second world war was because their assets were denominated in their local currencies and many people tried to get out by sewing gold into their clothes and then drowning in rivers and oceans as all that gold dragged them down to the bottom. But bitcoin and more importantly stable coins mean your money can move with you wherever you go and there are no capital controls. Right now with the coof the the action is starting to move to places in small towns and cities. I put a link in the description to one of my favorite writers James Howard Kunstler and a video about him telling us all what's wrong with big cities and why there will be a return to small cities and towns.

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RogueEconomist 4 years ago

Jackson Hole is only for Billionaires, Ozark Mountains a better choice

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

Star link is a GAME CHANGER

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nexus1961 4 years ago

China needs wives??
Last I heard they were still drowning baby girls..

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