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You Love Her You Lose - MGTOW

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yayınlandı 22 Oct 2020 / İçinde Kişiler ve Bloglar

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bart and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm writing to share a story, that most in the world will never hear as it happened in Poland in the year 1766. Most of the facts are
written in Polish. That's why I'm happy that through you I can share it to other MGTOW's around the world. The story is about Nikolai Repnin, a man who enslaved my country and had more power and prestige than our king at the time and lost it all because of love. You see at the time in Russia the Empress Catherine the Great was in power and it was a very special time in our history when a lot of men got into high positions of power by sleeping with her. Instead of the usual opposite women gaining money by sleeping with men. One of these men was August Poniatowski that got to become the crown of Poland through her bed. He was basically her bitch and she sent her most trusted diplomat Nikolai Repnin to make sure he stays that way. Repnin was officially only an ambassador but he made sure that everyone knew that he was the one who held power. He humiliated August on every occasion he got. One of the favourite things that he did (besides
constant insults) was being late on purpose for example to a theatre show by an hour knowing fully the whole group of elites present including the king would have to sit quietly and wait because they couldn't start the show without him. Repnin was a man that didin't take bs from anyone and always made known that he's superior. A man that I should technically hate but can only admire him for the character to act this way. Everything changed when he was given an order by the Empress to seduce a certain woman Izabel Czartoryska who held a lot of political power which was needed for a certain law to be passed, he succeeded in that but failed at the same time by falling in love with her (despite having a wife) When the situation got out of control and later Empress wanted Izabel to be removed out of the picture he refused to execute the order, and in doing so lost everything. His position, his power, his dignity a man that was above a king fell down to the bottom and in return only thing he got from Izabel was a simple thank you right before she went off with another man. So the moral of the story is simple, no matter how strong a man is, no matter how much power he
has as soon as feelings are involved even a man like Repnin will be totally powerless." Well Bart thanks for sharing this story. It would make a great period piece film and warning about how dangerous women are for that rational part of a man's mind. I'll discuss my thoughts about this story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor After the Rage: Anyways, now back with the show. Before I look into more historical details about Nikolai Repnin I think that while his stunts showing up late were funny and conveyed that he had passive aggressive power by showing up fashionably late I think his choice to do that was irresponsible. It's dangerous to show the people that the king is a puppet because then they might become angry and spiteful and turn against the government that Catherine the Great had installed. They would also grow to resent her for it. I'm sure that Catherine heard about this and if were in her position I would have put an end to it. But then again maybe because she was the masculine one in their affair she enjoyed a man that acted the way a woman would by being late to everything.

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MAC88 4 yıl önce

I appreciate your continued rationality and self awareness to keep your mind open. Very impressive

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hqwebsite 4 yıl önce

Has anyone made any movie about this?

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ancientsea 4 yıl önce

Sandman, that was some very ''NICE'' research on this topic.

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