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We Live In The Matrix, Women Are The Agents - MGTOW

Published on 27 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Simulation Hypothesis

The Matrix is Real - Philip K. Dick

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I've been listening to you for many years and have been MGTOW since roughly 2005 (perhaps before it took on the name. I remember reading Mirror of the Soul, The Book of Pook, Mancoat, Zenpriest, etc). The only topic I think you might want to explore -- but it might be too time-consuming for a video -- is this idea of the universe as a simulation: If you cover a different topic, that's fine as well. I just wanted to share this interesting idea with you. I'm impressed by your fortitude, and I believe you are contributing to a positive cause." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. How is someone supposed to prove or disprove if we are living in a computer simulation or not? More importantly how is someone supposed to share their personal experiences and ideas about this sort of subject matter without people thinking you've gone completely insane. It's a good thing for everyone listening that I don't care what you think. But before I attempt this gargantuan feat let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the video. The link you sent me Mr. Anonymous I put it in the description and it's to a wikipedia entry to the Simulation Hypothesis and there's a section from the philosopher Nick Bostrom where he proposed that we are in what is referred to as an ancestor simulation. Nick doesn't argue that we living in a simulation. Instead he argues that if human societies become posthuman if even a tiny percentage of them were to run "ancestor simulations" (that is, "high-fidelity" simulations of ancestral life that would be indistinguishable from reality to the simulated ancestor), the total number of simulated ancestors, or "Sims", in the universe (or multiverse, if it exists) would greatly exceed the total number of actual ancestors. This could explain why there are so many people out there that are NPCs. I have my own thoughts about this possibly being a simulated reality. The first has to do with my travels. I have seen many of the places I visted in the past and places I have yet to visit in my future through my dreams. What if our dreams are there as a sort of downtime to load up new experiences and memories that we will experiences, the following, day, week, month or many years into the future. What if having precognitive dreams or the ability to see the future is either our mind hacking the computer simulation or if the deja vu and dreams are just about loading everthing we need for our future experiences because of computational limits like a video game. I don't know how video games work today but for most of my life they would take ten or twenty seconds to load, maybe more. A good example of this was my trip to chocolate falls. The only problem is I've never been there before. But in one dream I had about six months ago I went to Arizona near the grand canyon at sunset and saw this giant brown waterfall. I woke up and I knew this place existed and I looked it up online and it's real and the next time I'm in Arizona I'm going there. I had never heard of it and I've been to fifty places in Arizona. What's more I was standing in the observation deck and I found pictures of it online when I woke up. I've had dozens of dreams like that.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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WindSage 5 years ago

There is a movie called the 13th Floor that talks about it. The idea of quantum mechanics were one thing happens when you watch them and another thing happens when you do not watch them suggests the culling effect in computer games. Where . The culling effect is that the graphic card will only calculate/show what the camera is watching, if its not in view it is not calculated. This saves a lot of processing power.

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DocteurDoome7 5 years ago

Well, this is a worthless vid....

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primalis6 5 years ago

Adult Film Star Ron Jeremy Charged With Rape, Sexual Assault; Bail Set at $6.6 Million

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

Jesus dude , this talk is not crazy at all , but your "experiences" sound like your are just drowning in your own ego. Maybe that's why your anxiety "echoes" in your body?

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Furioso 5 years ago

Yes ,multiple agents Smith with fake beauty ,fake love and fake behavior to fuck men's lives .Eve has followed the snake aka the system .Don't do the mistake of Adam gents ,protect yourselves of these narcissistic parasites .Don't destroy your life for an over used p-sleeve who can falsely accuse you and ruin your lives.Take an escort ,prostitute ,sex doll or jerk off once in a while for bust a nut .Pursue your dream ,not these treacherous skanks .

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