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Deutschland Retter - Send the Jew's Population Replacement People Home

Published on 11 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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The jews have tried to totally remove this video from the internets - spread it around if you value your race, your country and hate the jew scabs destroying you, your people and your country.

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Lucifer333 4 months ago

only 3 likes? what the fuck is wrong with ppl

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It's a brilliant song... I think it's so extraordinarily hard to find, only found 2 other copies so far.... and Shazam - the music ID app - doesn't recognise it - despite taking numerous distinct samples all through the song - and cannot find the writer / musician etc., and the proper names and all that - lead to dead end no wheres..... BUT I really would like to get the instrumental version of it. The synthesizers going from ~1:27 onwards.... Brilliant Sound.

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Lucifer333 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: maybe its blocked in your country (Australia) but its all over X.com (former twitter)

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@Lucifer333: Yeah..... Oh well... Some days There was lots of dead end links to "deutschlandretter24.fun" and all sorts of part words / phrasings and variants I looked REALLY REALLY hard... Only found ONE version on some long lost site... and really had to work my magic to get a copy of it out of that site... AND tonight I found the same video on Bitchute.... BUT if you happen to find the INSTRUMENTAL version of it... can you let me know.. Thanks in advance.

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Lucifer333 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: comming up...?

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@Lucifer333: It's not impossible to find the instrumental version.... But it could be OR may as well be. Mostly it's a time and persistence issue and asking around and following links etc.. emails, forums etc... Right now, I like the song, but NOT really enough to go doing DEEP and PROTRACTED research to trying to find and obtain the instrumental - It's just with SOME songs, synthesizers can sound really good.... This is one of them. Gotta Go. Early part of the day... getting to 40 *C today...

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@Lucifer333: There are AI voice removers, convert / strip out the audio as a high grade MP3 and use one of the online voice removers....

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@Lucifer333: If you import the audio (video file) into Audacity, the SOLID and VERY FULL audio signal is brilliant for a dance track...

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https://vocalremover.org/ ---- split out the vocal and instrumental - I am going to convert the singing to translated text - as at 1:34, there are 3 references to that idiot world fameous screaming dyke, then there are idiots sitting on the runway saying ban the fuel / welcome refugees, and there are the three people doing "The Nuruda Run" - and I think that is linked to a) being idiots and b) Liberating the Aliens by invading Area 51, and by charging into the HEAVILY ARMED military base, by using the Naruda Run, it protects you from bullets.... So I want to double check the lyrics and what they reference... Curious.

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Translated from Singing.... well 6 words from the entire vocals song.... Can you translate the MP3 file of the audio / singing only?

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Lucifer333 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I can translate german for you , no problem , If am uploading everything to my proton drive, I will DM you with the links

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@Lucifer333: I think the translation of audio to text software could not do it because it was sung, which kind of alters the phonetics and there was a way to make singing "thicker" by say making 6 copies of the original singing, and then offsetting each track, sequentially by 0.01 of a second, so the sound is much more solid in a chorus way, without a range of harmonics from the different voices in a chorous..... but it makes makes the plain spoken single speaker's language, into greatly altered tones, and then the precise pronounciations are futher distorted from clear words, to harmonics to fractionally out of phase harmonics - the audio to text with translation, got like 2 or 3 words at the start and 2 or 3 words at the end and could not process the entire thing.

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@Lucifer333: AND the other software that separates out the singing from the instruments - it's not absolutely flawless - but it's really fucking good.... Done to a very high standard in only a few minutes...

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Lucifer333 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: found the instrumental on tik tok, sent you a link to that

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Lucifer333 4 months ago

Yeah I am learning video editing , fedora linux has a dedicated "lab" for video editing, https://fedoraproject.org/labs/design-suite/

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@Lucifer333: Fuck that is a brilliant song...

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago

Shane , Worum geht es in diesem Video?

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Titel + Video = Antwort.

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