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I've Given Up & Will Stop Talking About Women - MGTOW

Published on 17 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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If You're Going Your Own Way Stop Talking About . . .

A follow up to one of my recent posts that caused quite a stir

Mystery Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv-ODnbbP7U&feature=youtu.be

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Petar and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman I recently watched a video from from Casual Bachelor and he is a new MGTOW channel that just made a video titled “If You're Going Your Own Way Stop Talking About ... (Walk & Talk)”. He makes a brilliant point: to everyone saying we should stop talking about women, news flash: by definition, we are non-conformists. I’d like you to expand on that topic, if you have enough material to make a video. Otherwise, use the donation for whatever topic you want." Well Petar thanks for the donation and topic. I've obviously heard this argument hundreds of times over the last seven years of doing this. The idea is to create cognitive dissonance in our minds. How can we go our own way from women if we're talking about women all the time? They are trying to short circuit our brains using perverse logic. Ironically women probably couldn't come up with that argument on their own because it's too logical and just got it some emasculated male feminist out there to come up with it. Or maybe a trans man came up with same solution that started thinking logically after pumping himself or herself full of testosterone to become a he. This argument belongs in the same family as who hurt you? Are you gay? Why do you hate women? ETC. You could probably write an entire chapter in a book with dumb recycled arguments that women use against men that go their own way. You're going to die alone. You're just incels in a pretty disguise. Sure Petar the casual bachelor makes a decent argument with regards to the idea that we aren't conformists. We were most likely conformists during our blue pill days but we aren't any longer if we don't want to live a traditional life with a wife. I put Casual Bachelor's video in the description so you guys can all follow along. I'll get to my thoughts about it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Casual Bachelor is saying that arguments like stop talking about women and just go your own way already won't work on us because we are non conformists. That it's like trying to herd a bunch of cats. That were not the majority of men out there and that we are rogues. The idea is not to get the men to stop talking about women. I suspect that they want to influence the guys listening to this sort of content that are just about to go MGTOW monk or guys sitting on the fence about wether they want a relationship or marriage or not. They are trying to appeal to them and convince them that our reasoning is at fault and that we are going through a logical fallacy. He says that some men want to warn other men. Or they just want to vent their frustrations. Or back when channels were monetized guys wanted to make money from this. But none of that matters. Women are allowed to vent their frustrations about men and women to both sexes. Women are free to warn other women about men and men never interfere in that process. Women are free to start feminist channels on YouTube and they never get demonetized. MGTOW is such a massive threat to the system that even incels, puas and mras are allowed for the most part to monetize their content.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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Acunga 4 years ago

I am manly zealot

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SJWtears 4 years ago

Imagine giving a fuck about wymen ?

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

females are toys .... have fun , dont use them to fix anything and always be able to walk away in 30 seconds.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

new groups of MEN come looking for TRP after a trainwreck relationship ........... everyday. Just because YOU are RP, doesnt mean you are the last one needing help...... if YOU know the content , dont listen, dont complain.

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