
Love Doll Sales On The Rise . . Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW

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gepubliceerd op 07 Jul 2020 / In Mensen & blogs

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Doll shops ‘can’t keep up with demand’ during coronavirus lockdown

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jamaes. He didn't send me a specific topic so I've decided to cover a very interesting article I recently came across called: "doll shops ‘can’t keep up with demand’ during coronavirus lockdown". Apparently female chameleons have figured out that if you can't beat them, ie dolls, then join them. In the article Janet Stevenson a co-founder of a doll company in Florida said this and I quote: "“We are hiring as quickly as we can and have created several new roles in fulfillment management and customer support in both the US and Europe. What’s interesting about this massive increase in demand is that we are also seeing a changing demographic which is very positive for the doll industry and speaks to changing attitudes at home,” Stevenson told Forbes. What we are seeing now is doll use is going mainstream with men and women both enthusiastic about bringing a doll into their bedroom. The co-founder of the company, Stevenson’s husband, Amit, said couples are also fueling demand. We are seeing the sex doll industry go through a revolution during the pandemic with a huge increase in orders from both couples and male and single females, he told the UK’s Daily Star." So there you have it folks. Women have decided that it's better to let their husbands have dolls instead being scared of the technology. But have they let the Trojan Horse or should I say Trojan Whore into their bedroom? I'll explore that more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. I haven't really given it much thought before but what benefit would a woman buying a doll for the husband or boyfriend she's in a committed relationships in. First of all it reduces the risk that the guy is going to go and look outside the relationship for another woman. She doesn't have to worry about her plow horse prancing away if she gives him a doll to plow. She also doesn't have to put out as much because she can tell her husband I'm not interested tonight. Why don't you go play with your dolls? If he complains and she's the one that bought it for him then it will stir up drama and she'll pretend to get pissed off telling him that she paid for the doll and he doesn't appreciate it or her. Even if he doesn't use it when she suggests she can use that as an excuse to stir up more drama. To all the guys in relationships out there beware of women bringing dolls into the house. The object that leads to the sexual liberation of many single men leads to greater slavery for the man that's married. Don't think that women haven't already figured this out. They are probably plotting ways to use the dolls to their favor. Or if they haven't done it yet then they are in the process of figuring it out. If you have a partner and she buys you a doll she can force you to bang it even if you don't want to and get off on the sick pleasure of watching you get little to no pleasure from a giant piece of silicone. Ironic that for one man type of man what equals freedom only equals slavery for another. Another advantage to owning a doll is that you can always put them in the backseat when you're riding with your husband and take advantage of the three person car pool lane. I saw one guy with two dolls put one up in the front seat and one in the back.

11 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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Doll Shops Can't Keep Up With Demand.... LOL

I don't want a doll.... But it amuses me to see the feminists fucking themselves up, and only getting shit or nothing, and the guys getting a big fuck toy for themselves.


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emt3843 5 jaar geleden

They've had their battery-powered pony for years; what do they care if we get our own?

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

Its a rollercoaster women rise then they drop downfall into bankruptcy. Let them take care of themselves.

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RoboCat 5 jaar geleden

Tried one out through luck awhile back, was shocked. Bought one, am very pleased.

I can't see myself ever going back to worthless bio-women.... it is exactly as TFM says; The doll does nothing and it's still running circles around them. That's how atrocious women are.

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