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gepubliceerd op 27 Apr 2020 / In Nieuws & Politiek

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usr6874038614 1 jaar geleden

I may have a problem with my hearing; all I heard coming out of her mouth were the letters P.M.S...

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ArgonRaysabre 3 jaar geleden

My man even tried to walk away BEFORE resorting to violence. These broads have some nerve...

...and were those gunshots I heard near the end of the video?

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Doggk 3 jaar geleden

Yup gunshots.. ^^

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sauger1001 3 jaar geleden

Don't you guys get it!!? She WANTED the policeman to put her in her place. She was "sh!t testing" him, bc she liked him. He ignored her tantrum throwing bitchiness initially, which is why she grabbed him; to get his "attention". When he slapped her, he put her in her place, and probably got her wet. Most feminists are childish cvnts, who WANT to be "corrected" by masculine men. Problem is like most children, they want it both ways.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

So according to law anywhere, he had the right to slap her because that is self-defense since she assaulted him. I looked at the original video and an Indian commentator confirmed that.

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Doggk 5 jaar geleden

can you send the article please ?

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: Sure bro:

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Doggk 5 jaar geleden

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: You don't touch/grab a policeman like that.. In every country it's not allowed ^^

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: Well she got what's coming towards her.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: There shouldn't be senseless violence in any country like that either, that goes for man or woman, but self-defense is perfectly fine and that guard had the right to defend himself.

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Doggk 5 jaar geleden

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: Slapping wasn't the good tactic... Just arrest the bitch on "Live TV" to show he's the authority, instead of a brutality... By this tactic, you get respect from the police itself, you show that you can make wise choices in difficult situations, you gain respect from the people arround the country, you give a good inspiration to the future recruits.. etc etc..

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Doggk 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: The policeman could have gained a promo and become officer, lieutenant or whatever... And I bet you 50 bucks the Tv reporter would have been fired immediately..

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: Police in Mexico would ease with just talking. She may have grabbed him but its worth noting that self-defense could be the probable solution since this is doesn't require an arrest. Not everything requires an arrest unless she threatened to kill him.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: Grand master Ueshiba would advocate for self-defense in this case not by slapping but by aikido methods, and a lot of police do know aikido. I'm a blacbelt in aikido myself.

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Doggk 5 jaar geleden

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: I would personnaly never try what she did.. to any cop or anyone.. I would not like some grabbing me that way, so why would I do it to someone else.. You get me ?

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: Yes and that is why the probable solution was self-defense.

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Doggk 5 jaar geleden

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: You can also push the person away and yell "back off !!" like the Queens Guards ^^

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

@Doggk: I like the pressure point techniques we learned in class.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

Sharmuta slap attack is super effective.

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