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Begging My Wife To Cheat On Me - MGTOW

Published on 25 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sneikeris and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I come from central Europe. I have a topic for you if you find it interesting. I became Red Pilled about half a year ago. Perhaps the first mentor of mine was a Better Bachelor. I also enjoy "Think before you sleep". Each of you provide different points of view about the same things and I find that as most useful to improve my own arguments. So big thanks! Now onto my story and topic. I come from conservative family. I was in a friends with benefits relationship with a woman who was mentally damaged (she suffered abuse from family at a young age) and she was ugly. but she was very bedroom fun hungry. The arrangement we had worked for both of us. Then I met my current wife and ended the previous relationship on good terms. My now wife was and still is a very modest person and comes also from conservative family and we share the same values about money, family and a child we have. Almost as a woman unicorn. The trouble I have is that I think my wife is frigid. And here is why. We used to live separately before wedding and I felt really happy to get married to a virgin. But then it took almost a month for us to do it for the first time after the wedding. The frequency was once a month at best. Candles, massage and romance did not do any good. It was like "You made me so good and sleepy". Lets just go to sleep now etc and every single time it was missionary pose. Anything else is unacceptable. Frequency improved when we tried to start making a baby. After birth it just got worse. Almost two years ago I decided to go monk. It was relatively easy for me because I had a MS and that luckily reduced my desire. My wife started to complain when I would gently touch her, so I stopped any physical contact. And she never complained about that. Although I sometimes see resentment in her eyes. I genuinely do not believe she is getting it from somewhere else because she does not have friends, does not like new people, and has trouble establishing any kind of relationship. Honestly at this point it would make me much more happier if she would get hooked up. Then maybe someone else may open her eyes about how bad in bed she was/is/will be LOL. Any how to summarize my question what do you think about frigidity? Is it myth or is it, or is it something you or your audience have encountered? Has it come up in the manosphere before? Also advice from my to your audience: Never buy the barrel of honey before tasting the honey! EVER!" Well Sneikeris thanks for the donation and topic. Normally in the manosphere we say that if she's not getting it from you she's getting it someplace else. But this could seriously be a situation where your wife is asexual and doesn't really care about sex at all. Also, I've gotta admit you're the first man that's contacted me that's wanted to get cucked by his own wife to improve his dead bedroom situation. You're so desperate for her to want sex that you're ok if she doesn't want it from you. That's why you don't marry a 25 or 30 year old virgin. That's why you pop the cherry before you marry. If she didn't want to ride the carousel and stayed a virgin so late in the game it's not because she was a good virtuous unicorn. But more likely because she is a frigid bitch. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Give her some "futenari" (my spelling may be off) attachments, and watch her reaction. LMAO!

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wayfarer 4 years ago

If she has no friends - big red flag! Something is not right with that girl and it will take you years to find out.
Also, you don't buy a barrel of honey after tasting the surface!
That's what Romanians would sell you as honey and plain sugar syrup inside.

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Shadewalker 4 years ago

Get a toy for her and a doll you man, at best you will get something, and it is better then being an out right cuck.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

Or don’t betray the first rule of mgtow: don’t get married. Anyone that watches these videos knows that the sex ends when the rings are on. Like really, every video on this site shows that there is NO advantage to being in a relationship nowadays. Alimony, child support, losing half your assets, no sex, poverty.
Just get the doll

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