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Smart Men Don't Get Married - MGTOW

Published on 16 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Smart Men Don't Get Married

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Warrior Captain and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman..I hope all is well Sir? I'm doing ok here in Sand Diego..hunkered down..but I work near the Mexico border, so it's business as usual.. Take care Sir and keep doing your content..Thank you for your service..MGTOW Warrior-CAPTAIN.!!!" Well MGTOW MGTO CA-PIT-TAN thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy this topic. The main question that I want to ask and then try to answer is do smart men stay single and avoid marriage because of their intelligence? Or are they smart because they went through relationships that lowered their intelligence and once they got out them they grew wiser and possibly became red pilled and that was the reason they vowed not to marry or get married again? It's the old story of the chicken and the egg. Which comes first when it comes to convincing a man to not get married? Intelligence or wisdom? Or some combination of both? But before I answer that question let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. I was inspired to make this video after I saw the short clip I posted in the description with that shares the same title with this video. What's really great about it is that it's the opposite of what we expect. Most of the time we hear stories about single unmarried men being shamed and asked who hurt you and are you gay. Here we have a situation where a single man shames three married men. That's what makes it funny. Our expectations are shattered and the character saying that smart men don't get married is saying those words it out in the wilderness where there are no females to hear them. But of course the script writers know full well that there are women watching the film and that they understand the truth of such a thing and that the idiot husbands sitting next to them would probably never figure it out. That's what makes it even more funny for the women in the audience. The fact that a free man is telling characters on the screen that they are on the plantation and neither the actors nor the characters really understand it. Nor do the men in the audience. The fact that something like this is being hidden in plain sight is both sickening and hilarious at the same time. It's too bad that in the film the man dies in the end. We definitely need more MGTOW characters. That's the thing about men that are single and unmarried and understand that they are smart for not getting married in the first place. They have the power to say whatever they want and deal with the repercussions because such men can't be shamed into shacking up with some slut. But getting back to the routes that men find to go their own way. Some men such as myself find their intelligence rising a few months to a year after no longer being in relationships.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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WindSage 5 years ago

I had a spiritual healer tell me that people like to feel pain. I only met him once. I thought he was mistaken but you start to analyze people around you and its true. So being smart or wise means you can learn from observation and think to yourself: "Do I want to go throught that shit? Hell no."

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

very hard to believe that the older generations REALLY do know what they are saying... each new generation wants to REBUILD everything without ever learning why it was the way it was.

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WindSage 5 years ago

@scott sanger: I work with engineering stuff and people are quick to judge whatever was done before as wrong. My mantra is "There is a method to the madness" If you can figure out why the old stuff is how it was, you can understad the good and the bad and improve it. But people just want to tear down stuff they do not understand and rebuild the same shit that was built before with another name.

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JMGTOW 5 years ago

@WindSage: yup, most wahmen be like:

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