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Russia Bans MGTOW

Published on 19 Aug 2020 / In People & Blogs

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The Kreutzer Sonata

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Omer and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Greetings from Israel. Thank you for all the great content you are creating daily! About a 10 years ago, I stumbled upon Leo Tolstoy's book "the Kreutzer Sonata" It's a story of a man who kills his wife out of envy, but it's actually a detailed manifesto against relationships with women and it reads as fresh today as it was 130 years ago. A sentence you said in one of your recent videos about how most of consumerism is designed for women, reminded me of this passage out of the book: "Go see the stores in the large cities. There are millions there, millions. It is impossible to estimate the enormous quantity of labor that is expended there. In nine-tenths of these stores is there anything whatever for the use of men? All the luxury of life is demanded and sustained by woman. Count the factories; the greater part of them are engaged in making feminine ornaments. Millions of men, generations of slaves, die toiling like convicts simply to satisfy the whims of our companions. Women, like queens, keep nine-tenths of the human race as prisoners of war, or as prisoners at hard labor." unquote So Sandman I wonder if you would be willing to give a book review in one of your shows? Well Omer thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my book review in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now onto my book review of the Kreutzer Sonata. When it was published in Russia in 1889 it was banned by the authorities because it advocated for the ideal of sexual abstinence. Hence promoting the idea that men should be MGTOW monks and that men were their slaves creating things for their consumption. Tolstoy's story was so dangerous that the United States Post Office Department banned the mailing of newspapers containing serialized installments of it. But what could be so dangerous that it required this action. Even Teddy Roosevelt, one of the most beloved American Presidents called Tolstoy a sexual moral pervert. Luckily the first amendment was upheld and it's ban was struck down in New York and Pennsylvania. So that just shows you that the first amendment is toilet paper when it comes to what women want unless men stand up for it. Now I`ll read a summary of the book from wikipedia. So here goes and I quote: "During a train ride, Pozdnyshev (The main character in the book) overhears a conversation concerning marriage, divorce and love. When a woman argues that marriage should not be arranged but based on true love, he asks "what is love?" and points out that, if understood as an exclusive preference for one person, it often passes quickly. Convention dictates that two married people stay together, and initial love can quickly turn into hatred. He then relates how he used to visit prostitutes when he was young, and complains that women's dresses are designed to arouse men's desires.

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Duugus 4 years ago

Speaking as a would be Polygamist, LOVE is not required to be married and make babies or to have a life long relationship. Finding a woman to forgo the love requirement is always the problem. If one can be found, the relationship can prosper as a financial arrangement for the children and give man and wife what they need. Woman her security, the man his posterity.

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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

A lot of people don't know this, but when I wrote and published the bible, I thoughtfully included the statement, "There is nothing new under the sun".

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

Dammit man you scared the shit out of me.

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Russia bans MGTOW = Glassnos 2.0

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Figure out that mathematical equation and see what you make out of it.

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