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I'm Fat, But I Don't Have To Lower My Dating Standards - MGTOW

Published on 30 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

Avenue 5 - Airlock Scene

I'm Fat, But That Doesn't Mean . . .

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Alvaro and here's what he has to briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman get some crypto lol XRP is my longterm hold" Well Alvaro thanks for the donation and I will certainly be putting this money towards crypto. Unfortunately it won't be going into XRP but instead Bitcoin. I don't think that there will be an alt coin boom the way we saw one back in 2017. I think this time it's going to be Bitcoin and a bit of Ethereum all the way. I'm sure you've seen how XRP ripple is being delisted from Crypto exchanges and I'm sure other coins are going to get killed by the SEC for securitising their coins to raise capital in their innitial coin offerings. This of course means many investors are going to flee into Bitcoin. Sure if you like being poor hold onto other altcoins but the money you're sending me has now gone into Bitcoin. But as you're guessing from the title of this video that's not what I want to discuss. Instead it's an article with the same title as this video from a fat woman named M. Madison about how she's fat and all that that and refuses to date down even though she's fat. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the chubby clown world show. So M. Madison says that men's standards and preferences in women are influenced by anything and everything including the media, your family, racism, sexism etc. She says some can be changed or shaped and others are fixed. Well at least I'll give her a point for admitting that some of our preferences are biological. But she says that for fat women they can't have preferences and that they need to take what they can get and not complain about it. Here's what she says in her article about a white man she was trying to swirl with, she's black and here's what he told her when he told him that women had very high standards and needed to get braces and have his teeth fixed so that women would give him the time of day and I quote: "He asserted that those same women wouldn't make the same exceptions to their standards. He stated that bigger girls would even go so far as to expect guys to be fit as a preference. I couldn't help but think, "Well, excuse me.” I've been coming to terms with my new status as a fat girl who hasn't always been a fat girl. I've discovered that many people feel bigger women and girls should relegate themselves to table scraps, rather than develop a sense of who and what they like, and act on it. This contempt for bigger bodies, and the fact that bigger women are expected to give up all choice in terms of the people they love, bang, date, marry and befriend because of an extra roll or two is compounded with a culture of misogyny and sexual violence. There is a toxic cultural belief (see rape culture) that fat women should, in fact, be grateful for any attention they get: especially sexual attention. This belief can lead to rape under the guise of “Fat girls can't say no” or “No one will believe you because you are fat.” unquote. Now I've heard it all a woman claiming that it's misogyny if a man has a preference that excludes fat women.

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Hairy Monkey
Hairy Monkey 4 years ago

My experience with fat women is they trend to be loud and obnoxious when given the chance. Mild mannered and sweethearts large ladies are rare. Note that fat isn't the same as thick women. I also met women who no matter how much they diet or exercise, their bodies still make them have thick legs and hips and other body parts. I guess that's the body type. But at least they develop the discipline not to completely spill over.

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Oh god no... fuck.... that WOMAN that you picked for the picture at the start of the video - Uhhhhh christ and his throbbing cock..... She is an "appropriate" image for the topic, but you can see the "fucking crazy" in her.... I mean I can talk at lenght on family of origin issues, cultural / peer influences, and a whole bunch of issues..... But I only want to do SANE sex with a woman, for the purposes of bonding, intimacy and having children.... Anything beyond that is off limits and generally unhealthy.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

I've dated fat chicks thinking "Well, I'm sure not that bad." and let me tell you, it is actually worse than "that bad". The behavior of fat chicks is frequently the worst of all women because getting fat is a choice. A fat woman had to be lazy and irresponsible for a very long time which you will quickly find out is the case for all fat women. They eat a lot and you will be footing the bill for the crap they are constantly eating. My "logic" each time was "Well, she's only a little chubby, fine with me." because I like slender or fit women but in 100% of cases, whatever chubby girl I had picked up went full-blown fat after a bit of time and then even fatter after that, which of course will be your fault or someone else's fault. It is everyone's fault except hers.

Fat women will only get fatter and increasingly annoying over time but on the off chance that you are with one that actually stops being a pig and starts taking care of herself, the result is just as bad. You see, as she loses weight she will realize that she has new options opening up to her. This means she will either cheat on you or leave you and what THAT means is that when you decide to start seeing a fat chick, every single path forward leads to things getting worse no matter what you do.

You would think that fat women, being sickly and unattractive compared to fit/slender women, would have to work harder in other ways like personality or skills but you'd be wrong. Fat women are typically stupid and useless, even at cooking. But worst of all, it is as Sandman is alluding to, for whatever reason fat women, old women and ugly women refuse to adjust their standards in accordance with their low value. In fact, I've had more pleasant experiences with attractive young women (18-24) than chubby, unattractive older women (30-40). Basically, they not only refuse to lower their standards, they're also annoying as fuck, even more disloyal than other women and will only ever get worse.

Never 'date' or start seeing a fat chick. She's a complete fail all around and will drag you down in many ways that a normal woman would not. That's on top of the normal woman stuff. NO FAT CHICKS.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Moral: Never boink the oink!

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bigintol03 4 years ago

@hqwebsite: lol

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Duugus 4 years ago

I love the visual you painted about the M&M's and cat food trail because I was watching the video on First Assembly of the Voyager Station. This space analogy is fresh in my mind.

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