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You Have 3 Options With Women - MGTOW

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Published on 11 Sep 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Once you realise the nature of women, you have 3 options

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to cover a reddit post called: "Once you realise the nature of women, you have 3 options" Here's what the person posting it Jax Gatsby has to say and I quote: "Option 1: You can change yourself to adapt to the way women are and keep playing the game. This is the redpill way, where you hold frame, stop being a nice guy, spin plates (because women love competition) and so on. On paper this seems like the "alpha" way, but it isn't really since in one way or another, it still revolves around women. It's just that the approach is different. Option 2: You can choose to ignore your realisation and tell yourself that not all women are like that, so you look for a woman who'll love you for you. A lot of men go with this option because they cannot handle being alone for long periods of time. Unfortunately, what they don't seem to understand is there is no such thing as a woman who will love you for who you are. Most women don't love, the best they can do is like you but even then, it's not really you they like either. They like what you can do for them, the things you have and most importantly, how you make them feel. So at the end of it all, it's still about them, not you. Option 3: The last option is to step out of the whole game and go your own way. This is the sane option. I chose to go with the 3rd option and I even wrote a song about it called 'to be alone'." Well Thomas thanks for the donation and thank you Jax Gatsby for posting your comment to reddit. I'll get to my thought about you today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Jax option one is the PUA way. Not simply the red pill way. So long as you can handle the emotional drama, risk of getting metooed and false allegations you should be good to stick your mole in her gopher hole. It's also the way many mgtows roll as well. They will have girlfriends but nothing longterm past six months at a time. Your three options are very similar to the levels of MGTOW. The second level is all about having short term relationships and that sounds like your option one. Your option two is the purple pill kind of guy relationship way. This is where you have situational awareness when you're hitched to some hottie. This is MGTOW level one. In this case you live with the sword of damacles above your head at all times. Ready to fall on your head til your dead, dead, dead. Of the first two options this is the more dangerous one. Option three is MGTOW Monk mode which co-incides with MGTOW level three where you ghose women when it comes to relationships. MGTOW level four is when you ghost everyone and checkout out of society. So Jax look up the levels they are nothing new. You probably would have seen videos about them if YouTube didn't shaddow ban our content. Now let me look at all three of the options with more detail. The first option with regards to dating short to medium term while keeping a woman guessing wether you're going to stay with her or not because you're also with other women aka spinning plates will work to give you sex and you can successfully lead women on which is not all that hard to do.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

Consider adding stingling nettle to your salids on a daily basis. This should moderate your immunal system and it is both cheap and easy.

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Geneo 5 years ago


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Gorebane 5 years ago

Option 4: Just get a doll

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TheWealthy1 5 years ago

Hey Sandman. I just started carnivore 2 days ago for weight loss. Getting some good results so far. Watch Dr Jordan Peterson's carnivore episode on YouTube with Joe Rogan. It fixed not only his but his daughters autoimmune disorders.

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Sandman 5 years ago

Peterson is like me with high anxiety. Anxiety elevates your blood sugar and throws your hormones out of whack. I'm almost on full carnivore. I consume 2 grams of sugar in nuts a day and another 5 in vegetables. It's saved my life.

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TheWealthy1 5 years ago

@Sandman: I read a book once that nuts and some plants have lectins which are toxic and cause all kinds of problems. Perhaps that's is irritating your condition?

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