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Why Should Men Care About Women? - MGTOW

Published on 05 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Banja and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, Here's my topic request. If women do not follow tradition and gender roles by riding the carousel, why should men follow tradition and gender role by being faithful and providers for women and children?" Well Banja thanks for the donation and topic. I think that men going their own way been asking this question for quite some time now. Probably the last ten years and women don't like the answer to that because women have always had men to fall back on that were faithful providers ever since feminist reared it's ugly head out of a land whales sphincter. Women got away with sleeping with the top ten to twenty percent of men in their teens and twenties since the creation of the birth control pill, abortion and no fault divorce. Men were too stupid to figure out that the game had changed and women partied their panties off. Literally. Now that birth and marriage rates are crashing and all they see is a herd full of cats when they look inside their crystal balls women don't know what do do except shame men by calling us gay and trying to tug on our
heart strings instead of our nuts by claiming that we hate women because we refuse to take them in like a rescue dog after they've been abused and boned by Chad and Tyrone. I'll share more my thots about thoughts in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor X-Wolf Booster: Anyways, now back to the show. Women tend to be short term thinkers. The women in the 1960s and 1970s didn't care that women fifty or sixty years into the future would get a raw deal because they were sexually liberated. They probably found the sweet spot in life by changing the mating game and men were too stupid to realise what was going on. Our fathers and grandfathers kept working and producing because they were full of both love and jizz and needed a place to deposit all that stuff for their sexual sanity. But I suspect now that more men than ever have figured this out women are becoming increasingly bitter because they realize it's not going to work and while their mothers and grandmothers got away with it many of the men today have put a moat full of sharks with laser beams attached to their heads around their hearts. I know that I certainly have and once women figure this out they get angrier than a caged gorilla after being free it's entire life. Many are having mental breakdowns because there are no men that want them. The rise in support dog girls proves this to me. I personally know three right now and one is aspiring to become one. Women so emotionally messed up that instead of being shamed into cat lady status they are instead choosing to embrace beta male dogs that are trained to be submissive and passive. But that's a story for another video I'll be releasing called Support Dog Girl. Women want both the traditional and non-traditional life. They want to live as free liberal women when they are young, free and riding the carousel. Then they want to settle down to a provider that will provide them a nice conservative consumer lifestyle. Guys are realizing that if we aren't there for her best years we won't be there for her worst ones.

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1. Shocked african-american woman in disbelief looking whats between mans legs

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BrokenAce129 5 years ago

Now that feminism had indirectly freed men from their gender role as providers and protectors after liberating women, men have no reason to care for women. The government mostly takes care of them now. There's especially no reason to get married since feminism has corrupted the court system, along with marriage and the government as a whole. Men who're socially aware learn to focus on themselves and their financial stability and avoid marriage. Not only do we need to stop caring about women, we also need to stop caring about other men. There are a lot of those clueless men who still seek to abide by their archaic gender role as slaves to women and seek to shame any man who develops self-confidence, self-awareness and self-sufficiency.

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cth96190 5 years ago

Should men care about women?
No, not any more.
Women, as a collective, made a decision to become the enemies of men and civilisation.
I do not care about the welfare of an enemy, other to rejoice in their misery.
I am one of many men who cared, until I was stabbed through the heart and the wallet.
Now, I want to watch the world burn. All that I ask is to live long enough to hear the screams of the women as they perish.
Women, fish, bicycles and all that.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

I think there is more that need be said about a man's perceptions. MGTOW has pointed out that it is the man's expectations, coupled with his desires, and the images conceived in his mind, that traps us men. The girl just giggles and smiles while so many notions flood a mans head. None of, or nearly none, have a basis in fact. These are expectations that have not been substantiated by the woman's conduct or declaration. It may be a narcissism of man as it appears, to me, that it is our own projected images that we fall into love with. If this is the case it goes a long way towards explaining why females say little to correct the falsehood and prefer to manage to outcomes for their benefit. Again, If this is the case, females actually perceive men as, "other".

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