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America Is Done - MGTOW

550 vistas
Publicado en 02 Jul 2020 / En Personas y blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Marcelo and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I just sent you another donation. Just a little something to say thank you. I really enjoyed our podcast talk the other day and I hope you did too. Take care my friend. Cheers" Well Marcelo thanks for the donation and yes it was a good podcast and I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. I thought I'd take this donation to cover a reddit post called I've accepted that America is done by someone named quarantine machine and here's what he has to say: "I truly believe it started with the 19th amendment. This country had structure up until that point. The man was the breadwinner, had a loyal wife who stayed home with the kids and cooked dinner. The wife was loyal since there were serious repercussions for cheating on her husband. The world didn't quite cater to women's every whim at this time. As soon as the 19th amendment was passed, everything changed. Feminism was clearly in the forefront, and women were as power hungry as ever. From there on out, society has become more and more gynocentric. Today men are essentially forced to bow at the feet of women in order to get by, whether it's at work or at home (marriage). And don't even get me started with the #metoo movement. Nowadays if you dare ask a woman out and she doesn't like you, she can have you taken to jail with some sort of bs allegation. Same thing at work. If you're in competition with a woman for a promotion and you beat her out, she can make a false claim to HR and you'll be fired by the end of the week. You don't get to defend yourself, and she doesn't need any evidence. The fact that this is actually real is laughable. Like something out of 1984. This relates to BLM. BLM is a farce. African Americans have just as many rights as whites, and black men (6% of the population) commit over 40% of total crimes. What is this the result of? Bad parenting, single motherhood, broken families. What was that caused by? Feminism and gynocentrism. Oh and what about the people out protesting every day, where are they getting money to be able to live without working? Welfare checks, paid by your every day run of the mill, hard working American taxpayer. Quite the "American Dream" if you ask me. Maybe if these parties had consequences to their actions, things would be different. A couple of weeks ago I lived in a state where it was legal to burn down a church but illegal to hit a bucket of golf balls at your local driving range. This is the point we have reached. Now, everyone is forced to bow to BLM, AntiFa, women, LBGTQRSTUVWZYZ. All of it. I didn't hear about anyone wanting to be trans back in the 1950s, but here we are today with it being the "cool thing" to do. And if you dare disagree with them, you'll be burned at the stake with your reputation dragged through the mud. For in a country of lies, the truth is treason. By 2030, this country will be in total shambles from a degeneracy point of view, as if it is not already. Sad to see, but you reap what you sow. You enabled this America, so this is what you get." unquote. That's all stuff many of us know about and I'll discuss it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200k in Southeast Asia:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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sauger1001 5 años hace

I realize you may have a problem with the one whom you were taught as "God", but (imo) were actually deceived all these years, but it's tough to deny how true these particular Scriptures are today: Isaiah 1:5; 5:20. I do agree with you, that America isn't done yet. The Truth will make Itself known. It always does. The rest of the book has yet to be written, but it DOES involve more of God (the True God this time).

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ShaperOfThings 5 años hace

Free speech "with exceptions"? That's not actually how free speech works. The very concept is completely binary. Either ALL speech is permitted or what you have is some degree of censorship. Which is, by definition, NOT free speech.

If the Commies and other variation of hypocrisy spout off their bullshit; everyone has equality under the law to tell (and/or show) them (through rational discourse) just how wrong they are. THAT'S how free speech works!

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RoboCat 5 años hace

The leftists are very evil and very stupid.... facts, logic and reason like what you are presenting will never resolve issues with them. I dislike the ultra cucked leftists that form the misnamed 'alt-right', but when they say that this can only be resolved by force, they are not wrong. 'free speech' doesn't exist, no rights exist. The only right you have is that which you can enforce.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 5 años hace

Flyover states aren't the bastions of sensibility he keeps making them out to be. Read the headlines in Idaho or Utah for example if you don't believe me. Read their news sites, look at their voting trends. He may have visited a few of the right areas at the right time, or he may be suffering from confirmation bias and only seeing what he wants.

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tekrat 5 años hace

when men lost power it was game over. women obey power so now women obey the government. most of the people who wear beer bug masks are women because the state said so.

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