Was Natalie Portman In Cuties? - MGTOW

Published on 09 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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"I was definitely aware of the fact that I was being portrayed … as this 'Lolita' figure," Portman said.

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want me to make a video request then my paypal email is in the description. For this video I wanted to cover a story about Natalie Portman called: "I was definitely aware of the fact that I was being portrayed as this 'Lolita' figure," Portman said." She is of course referring to her early films like The Professional where she was only twelve years old and where she looks like she just walked off the set of cuties. Natalie Portman is also quoted as saying that "Instead of sexualizing child actors before they are even aware of what sexual power and agency is, Hollywood needs to come to terms with the harm it has caused." I couldn't agree more but does the fault really belong to Hollywood or do the parents of children that put them in highly sexual roles need to assume some of the blame? More importantly neither Hollywood nor the parents are in charge anymore because people will not support the over-sexualization of children that don't know they are seen as sex objects yet and they will vote with their wallets and stop supporting Netflix as a result. We saw that with the cuties controversy. Sounds to me like Portman might not want young actresses to use their inappropriate sexuality to rise up through the ranks and compete with her? Who does Hollywood and the parents of highly sexualized child stars think is watching their films? I'll discuss this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lamprey Milt: Anyways, now back to the video. I was innitially going to call this video is Natalie Portman a hypocrite. Paritially because she wants Hollywood to stop sexualizing child stars but she took advantage of that to kick start her career so now she wants that loophole closed. But then I found a bigger jem in her verbal diarrhea. In one of her statements she says that yes "I was definitely aware of the fact that I was being portrayed as this 'Lolita' figure," but then in another statement she is quoted as saying: "Instead of sexualizing child actors before they are even aware of what sexual power and agency is, Hollywood needs to come to terms with the harm it has caused." unquote. These are both very contradictory statements. So which one is it? If 12 year old Natalie Portman knew she was being portrayed as a lolita figure how can Hollywood really be to blame? Or her parents for that matter for allowing her into the film because she clearly says she knew what was going on. If she's aware then I'm sure that other child actors like the ones in Cuties were also probably aware of their sexual power. You're telling me that a 12 or 13 year old girl doesn't know at least some of their budding power that comes with a budding body? You can't have it both ways Portman. You can't have agency and then dump the blame onto Hollywood. What do you think diddlers in dark theaters out for an incel's night out were
doing under those trench coats they were donning? Were they playing with their twizzlers? And no I'm not referring to all the candy they smuggled into the movie in their massive winter coats so their wallets didn't get raped from the con job of a concessions stand where twenty years ago a pack of twizzlers cost five dollars plus tax. Natalie Portman is getting up there in age and is probably still upset that she had her picture taken with Moby back in the late nineties who claims the two of them were dating. But she denied it. But she's getting up there in age and her career is still going somewhat strong with Thor and a few recent projects. But her age is starting to show. It's sad to see her resorting to rehashing her past for attention yet again.

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TheSecretShakespeare 4 years ago

The Ancient and Only Upward Progression:

"The key to success in life is using the good thoughts of wise people."
-- Leo Tolstoy
What is your 'idea' of success and Wisdom, and whose thoughts will you now seek to emulate? If the word success automatically brings forth the idea of money, affluence, or leisure in your mind, then you have more 'work' to do.

"The beginning of wisdom is to desire it."
-- Solomon Ibn Gabirol
Once found, are you now seeking to deeply know their thoughts?

"Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit."
-- Baltasar Gracian
Have your new thoughts reached your tongue, your feet, and your hands?
If so...

"There is no knowledge without learning. There is no wisdom without experience."
-- Debasish Mridha
This is the real-world sharpening of You which goes beyond wise thoughts that you have chosen to both read and take into yourself.
Are you willing to endure the welcome shock of Understanding?

"To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great."
-- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
This is going to hurt, because you will find that your 'loved ones' are not so loving because they neither know nor love Wisdom.
Will you believe this when it happens to you?
("Hell is empty and all the devils are here." -- William Shakespeare)

"With a gentleman I am always a gentleman and a half, and with a fraud I try to be a fraud and a half."
-- Otto von Bismark
This is now allowed, because you are no longer required to submit to Their overt and covert lies based on false guilting and perverse reasoning. You will now begin to weed people out of the garden that is your Life...They are now tested by New Standards.
Can you be a Good, good actor to protect yourself from Their ways?

"All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare."
-- Baruch Spinoza
If you have indeed tasted of the priceless value of excellence in character and noble ability then you will spend more time alone.
What are you now reflecting upon, learning, and practicing when you are alone?

"As long as a word remains unspoken, you are its master; once you utter it, you are its slave."
-- Solomon Ibn Gabirol
You will restrain your tongue until the proper moment, and you will no longer argue with fools. You will not vibrate to the internal frustration of 'trying' to change people, and you will definitely not be prone to outbursts of foolish anger.
Can you restrain your heart so that your tongue will become your servant and not your enemy?

"Those unmindful when they hear, for all they make of their intelligence, may be regarded as the walking dead."
-- Heraclitus
The vast majority of people, and you may be married to one, are 'dead' to the beauty of moral responsibility (religiosity does not count here) and true intelligence (college does not count here). It is that bad, but do not be tempted to misanthropy...this is of utmost importance so that you may maintain your new strength and also be able to rightly love others.
Are you capable of Truly Loving others?

"Where wisdom reigns, there is no conflict between thinking and feeling."
-- Carl Gustav Jung
Pain and Peace now become eternally meaningful, and Legitimate Suffering only strengthens your New Way of Peace.
-- The Secret Shakespeare

Chances are this won't be you now, but you may become such. Now go...Sculpt your inner-self.

"A wise man's question contains half the answer."
-- Solomon Ibn Gabirol

I am that Man...
I'm neither proud of it nor ashamed of it; it simply is.
-- In Strong Masculine Love,
The Secret Shakespeare

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Seethemturn 4 years ago

The same answer, is there a God I apply to are we in a simulation. If this isn't real, and God doesn't exist then nothing matters. So, defacto, I will have faith and believe because its the only sane conclusion. By believing you can create reality. I believe so it is so, even if it isn't. Perhapse determination can even reshape reality one day. Additionally, if we creat a super intelligence, and give it this goal, then we may have created a chicken before the egg senario, if it finds a way to travel in time.

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satcomer 4 years ago

Poking Women is not good. They have Zero locality. I know because I dated a model in young twenties and almost married her until she bonked a fellow dude at her school! That caused me to dump her and never marry because all beautiful so everybody wants them in College!

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