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Опубликован в 01 Jul 2021 / В Неприбыль и активизм

? PART 1 : ⁣

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Doggk 4 лет тому назад  

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ PART 1 : ⁣

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valarauka 4 лет тому назад

sand niggers and jews. fuck them both

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 лет тому назад

Meh.. Idk.. I lived in Israel, served in the military (sometimes beside them), in the 90s
Palestinians could go about freely in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, etc; no one, NO ONE bothered them

I think the whole anti-West brainwashing Communist FILTH is REALLY insidious

Not saying Israelis are saints.. (esp globalists who ''identify'' as such, even when they're not)..

But Palestinian young militants can be real pieces of SHIT (ofc, you WON'T be shown that, in this type of videos)

There's more to it than what the ¨good-bad¨ anti-West NARRATIVE.

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Doggk 4 лет тому назад

Well before 1948, Palestine had no problems.. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together and everything was OK.. Once the Zionists came there that's where the problems started !! I have a lot of Palestinian friends who told me the sad and disgusting stories of what Tsahal did and still does to them.. Recently Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem.. How they lost their homes, how the cops and the Tsahal arrest some of their family members.. Or all these night raids in Hebron.. Syrian and Lebanese friends told me also what the Tsahal army does and did to them.. I would be ashamed to join the Tsahal army, because it's a zionist army and it's a direct violation of God commandment... The jews have been expelled from the Holy Land by God himself.. They have no right to come back in the holy land until God decides !!.. But they violated Gods commandment and came back in 1948.. The true Jews know that it's a violation.. But the zionist which were in vast majority atheists pushed the idea to conquer the holy land and to persecute the Palestinians.. The real Jews know that story and that's why the Ultra Orthodox Jews are against the zionist state, they want palestine back, they consider themselves as palestinians and created organisations like Naturei Karta to oppose and boycott the zionist regime!!.. It has nothing to do with anti-west brainwashing communist filth.. that's how you interpret it or maybe how the Zionist brainwashed you (Because when I was in Israel, most pro zionist Israelis had the same speech as you).. And that most likely the result of local brainwashing managed by the zionists.. These young militants are in their right to be sometimes real pieces of shit with the cops and soldiers.. What would you do if you were in their place ?? Would you let the oppressors steal what your family has built for generations ?? How would you react if several of your brothers, uncles, etc.. Have been killed by the Tsahal.. ? Let that sink in.. I've seen a Palestinian graveyard in Jerusalem and it's so sad to see how much young people have been killed it's a shame.. Do you know Sheikh Yassin ?? Do your research.. Dude did nothing, he was a good innocent man, Tsahal decided that dropping a 250 kg bomb on a building was the best way to deal with an old man in a wheelchair.. They didn't killed him and then came back with a combat helicopter to kill that old religious man.. And this is only one story, there are plenty of other stories ! I lived in Israel too for like 3 months and I've seen how Tsahal army behaves with Palestinians.. I have seen them doing racist stuff, and treat the palestinians like dogs.. And I've seen palestinians too being very rude to me or even israelis so I know ! There's good and bad everywhere you have a point on this one but look I have a lot of good videos of Israelis and Palestinians playing together etc.. I met myself a bunch of friends in Jerusalem who are Israelis and Palestinians and hangout together and guess who's stopping them most of the time.. Cops and soldiers.. .. I know there's good / bad in both sides.. But Zionism got to go.. 50 % of the territory should be given back to the Palestinians ! And for God sake stop that Appartheid Nazi Regime in Westbank and Gaza !

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 лет тому назад

@Doggk: Hmm.. well, I also remember, Israeli civilians who were just minding their own lives, being BLOWN to pieces by MUSLIM religious fanatics. I escaped getting killed in Valley of the Kings, by ONE single day, and another time from a bomb going off in a Jerusalem's Mc Donalds, by one weekend. And I assure you, I never have harmed any palestinian in my life. One keeps going down that rabbit hole you mentioned, might easily end up CELEBRATING 9-11, and the deaths of all the civilians who perished that day, or say, the current success in the centuries-old quest, the MUSLIM invasion and destruction of the people of Europe. Imo the root, ROOT cause of it all is RELIGION: Judeo-Christian cults of DEATH (ALL of them).

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 лет тому назад

@Mgtow_economics: Could be. AFAIK it was planned by that Rumsfeld/Cheney think-tank (don't remember their name) in coordination with the House Of Saud.

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Julian6669 4 лет тому назад

fucking zionist cunts..........................

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AirufSigma 4 лет тому назад

Israel's current plan, that is, the plan ((Theirs)), is to use the US, Invading Arab countries, mainly, to build "The Great State of Israel", because, as they say, Gd, divided Israel, for the twelve sons of Jacob .............. That is, ((they)) will have to invade and annex, many territories of Arab countries .......... ..... See image below.

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