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MGTOWs Are Mentally Ill Men

432 Просмотры
Опубликован в 31 May 2020 / В Люди и блоги

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The vast majority of MGTOW are mentally ill men who suffer from depression and narcissistic personality disorder

MGTOW - Response.. Misogynistic and very angry men!

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a topic so I thought I'd go through my new favorite place for content ideas, Reddit and share a post I came accross called: "The vast majority of MGTOW are mentally ill men who suffer from depression and narcissistic personality disorder" and here's what someone named Cricket1, I assume is female has to say and I quote: "Hi Sarah, Ignore these MGTOW morons. The vast majority of MGTOW are mentally ill men who suffer from depression and narcissistic personality disorder. Others have Aspergers or poor social skills and can't get a date." unquote. I'll get to what my thoughts about what the cricket has to say in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ayam Sirias: Anyways now back to the video. As we all know MGTOW men are not mentally ill. MGTOW is all about living sanely in and insane world. Most people in this world, Cricket1 as well I suspect are insane and they don't even know it because and increasingly the sane people have to be locked up away from the inmates which are more like zombies at every level of society. At first I thought Cricket had confused MGTOW with Incel but then the mighty insect says that incels have aspergers too. The way I see these words, spoken to someone named Sarah is to serve out a number of different purposes. First of all it's all about shaming language designed to cut us off from female validation. She is telling this to a woman named Sarah and I'm there's own group preference going on here. She might want Sarah to stay away from men going their own way to starve them from female validation. That's why I tell most guys don't tell anyone you're going your own way or the first thing that happens is you get cut off from your male friends if they have girlfriends and they tell them all about you. You also get cut off from female friends too that shun you and stop giving you attention and validation if you crave such things. The idea of course is to punish us for choosing to make ourselves the priority instead of women. This of course is where the narcissism comes into crickets' comments. Narcissism and self-love are two different thing and cricket is probably trying to gaslight those of us reading their comments trying to make us making us think we are crazy when we are perfectly sane for seeing relationships from a rational point of view. The ancient Greeks, fathers of philosophy were the ones that saw love as a mental illness that got us to do things that went against our own best interests.

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Police woman wearing security bulletproof vest uniform holding woman power protest cardboard with angry face

Funny Housewife overlooked roast chicken in the oven, so she had scorched, view from the inside of the oven. Housewife perplexed and angry. Loser is destiny!

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Pale_Profit 5 лет тому назад

Dear Sandman, thank you for showing me the real world.Things are not the same since I went Mgtow, Thanks

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SavagePanda 5 лет тому назад

Plebbit again?

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AngryCoffee 5 лет тому назад

*Grabs the fire bomb and tosses it near the gas lights and walks away as it explodes and ignored the Earth dying on fire as it once ignored him*

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logicalmgtow 5 лет тому назад

When I hear this kind of nonsense ("MGTOW are just bitter incels/misogynists/mentally ill") I just think; what does that say about feminism with all their nonsense like "all men are oppressors/woman bashers/rapists", "masculinity is toxic" or that famous line "women need men like fish need bicycles"? That's what I would ask a woman who uses those kinds of shaming lines.
I've also wondered what would happen if a man tried using one of those lame shaming lines on a woman when she talks about how much she hates men. For example: Woman: "Men are evil. Misogyny, patriarchy, rape culture..." Man: "Wow. Who hurt you?"

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