Is Masculinity Toxic? - MGTOW

Published on 15 Dec 2019 / In Film & Animation

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The Demasculation Of MEN

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Lucas and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, If you haven't already I'd suggest your read and revew The Book Men on Strike. You don't have to review it this time around but here's a quote from the book. Enjoy it and make everyone aware of it. Well Lucas thanks for the donation and now I'll read that quote from Men On Strike from Dr. Helen Smith. So here goes and I quote: “Writer Camille Paglia offers a refreshing exception to this disparagement of men, as pointed out by Christina Hoff Sommers: For Paglia, male aggressiveness and competitiveness are animating principles of creativity: “Masculinity is aggressive, unstable, and combustible. It is also the most creative cultural force in history.” Speaking of the “fashionable disdain for ‘patriarchal society’ to which nothing good is ever attributed,” she writes, “But it is the patriarchal society that has freed me as a woman. It is capitalism that has given me the leisure to sit at this desk writing this book. Let us stop being small-minded about men and freely acknowledge what treasures their obsessiveness has poured into culture.” “Men,” writes Paglia, “created the world we live in and the luxuries we enjoy”: “When I cross the George Washington Bridge or any of America’s great bridges, I think—men have done this. Construction is a sublime male poetry.”Our society has become the angry leered-at woman who doesn’t care that men can build buildings or do amazing things like be good dads, husbands and sons. She focuses instead on the small flaws that some men have and extrapolates to all men; they are all dogs, rapists, perverts, deadbeats and worthless. Who needs them? We” unquote. So with that out of the way thanks Lucas for sharing and I'm sure I'll review Men On Strike one day. For all you fan boys out there I was sitting next to Dr. Helen Smith
during the first Men's Rights Conference back in 2014. Before I share my thoughts about her words as well as toxic masculinity let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits: Anyways now back to my thoughts about toxic masculinity. Masculinity according to the quote is unstable and that of course is one of the reasons that women fear it. It's aggressive and women can't out do male aggressiveness so they have to restrict it and subdue it in sneakier ways and get government manginas and white knights to go around policing their wishes. Masculiniyt is also creative. How many female inventions do you know of out there besides chocolate chip cookies and call display? I watched a Black Pigeon speaks video a while back where he spoke about how feminized societies die due to their lack of strength. A society ruled by women and feminised men grows dull and stagnate and rots from
within. This is the life cycle of all great cultures. Of course there are those of us that want to put a stop to this.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

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Women controlling the things that gave them the luxury of being able to think of themselves as being important - when they are not.

And almost all of them - they are just too fucking stupid to create, design, build, run and make anything function - and keep it running.

At best the women are only fit to fuck - provided that the gene pool can be improved by deleting all the free loading, retarded ones - like feminists.....

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ABC circuits - I wonder if they can help me with my time machine......

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