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Get Paid To B0ink Women - MGTOW

Published on 16 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Deuce Bigalow

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey..what's up Mr. Sandman..!! I hope all is well with you Sir? The "coronachan" dilemma has allowed a little time for me to surf the streaming services and view movies/documentaries I've never seen or haven't seen in a long time. Recently I watched "Deuce Bigalow" The 'SIMP GIGALOW".. As I drank my "Menagerie", TERRANCE POPP" styles.. I couldn't help but look at this movie thru a "Red Pill" Lens..LOL..!! Please dissect and interject for the Masses my Brother.."OG SANDMAN", styles....Could this be a doable strategy for the upcoming INCEL Dilemma? or one of many possible solutions.. Maybe the so called Gigalos and said INCELS..could unite and form a upgraded version of "VOLTRON".."Defender of the New Universe"..Good Speed to you brother on your future Endeavors Sir.!!!" Well Ron thanks for another donation and topic request. As for Deuce Bigalo Male Gigalo it's one of those films that when I saw the trailer I figured it was one of those films that you'd see at blockbuster video back in the day. Ironically I wasn't even interested enough to pay three dollars to see it on VHS. So I`m watching it for the first time for this review. If you want to watch along a put a link to the video in the description. Just switch the numbers 321 with the numbers 123 and you're in business. Before I get to my review let me first tell everyone about today`s sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. Ron you say that maybe a strategy for the Incel dilema is for men to turn themselves into man whores? That of course only works if you`re in a place like Japan. The sexual marketplace is increasingly skewed in women`s favor and men are increasingly begging for a taste of single mother`s stretched out sour puss and yet you suggest that men start selling themselves into a market where their services are worthless when there`s an army of volunteers willing to crawl into a woman`s rear? As for Deuce Bigalow he offers services cleaning aquariums and Koi Pond and one day he takes a job at a Gigalo's house. The actor playing the Gigalo is same guy that was in the Mummy. known as playing the voice from the film. The actor Oded Fehr plays the Gigalo character Anton. He's tall, confident, good looking and women love him. Rob Schneider plays Deuce Bigalow and he's short, behaves like a bumpkin and women hate him. He has all the makings of a modern day incel. Near the beginning of the film he rescues a goldfish from a toilet bowl for a single mother with a son and then hits on her and she rejects him. He tells her he can stick around for a while and says that every kid needs a father. We've clearly established that his sexual marketplace is in the toilet. Deuce lives in low income housing and Anton lives in a mansion. Anton has to go to Europe for three weeks and he leaves Deuce to fish sit at his house because one of his prized fish was dying and needed tender loving care.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-374272249/stoc

2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-283288792/stoc

3. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-167018270/stoc

4. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-272336026/stoc

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

go to horny jail... boink

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