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Women Are Parasites? - MGTOW

592 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 31 Aug 2020 / Im Leute & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Charlie and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Please keep up the good work! I was wondering whether you could share your thoughts on this topic: I was recently chatting with a bartender at my local pub who revealed he has a Masters degree in zoology. When were chatting, he was talking about the evolution of various species and how they adapt to the environment around them in order to survive. He said that parasites don’t do this, instead they alter the environment around them to aid their survival. He said that the human race are considered a parasite in zoological terms. This got me thinking more about female nature as I’ve been a MGTOW for a few years now. I decided to do some further research into this and I cam across an article where I quote “Humanity is an idea humans fabricated to make themselves feel special. It derives from an ability so ingrained inside the
human genetic code that an animal could not be considered human without the trait. Of course, scientifically speaking, they would still be homo sapiens, but this trait is what drives homo sapiens to behave like humans. All humans have the ability to lie to themselves, and believe it as truth, even when they know it is a lie.” This has got me thinking even further and do you see the parallels in female nature and the women of today? I see everyday they are getting worse and worse in their behaviors but I think it would be good topic to explore as to whether they exhibit similar behaviors to para-seeds? Cheers! Well Charlie thanks for the donation and topic. If you're watching this on Bitchute or then you'll see the real title. If you're watching it on YouTube then you'll see the title YouTube will ban this video, which I believe they will if I'm not careful. Afterall Facebook censors posts with the word Bitch in them as hate speech with their grammar police. So if the wonderful people at YouTube are listening I don't think that women are para seeds and that's the last time I'm going to say that particular word. Again I couldn't even use that word as the title for this video in question form because. If you think I'm being paranoid does anyone remember Alex Jones when he said that Oliver Darcy looked like a rat and then Twitter banned him? I'll get to my thoughts about humans in general and our drive to destroy this world because we don't see ourselves as part of it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to clown world. When I first watched the Matrix film and heard Agent Smith say that Human's are a disease, a cancer of this planet I thought he was right. That humans would multiply and consume every resource and then survive only by spreading to another area like a virus. He was both right and wrong. Human's multiply until life is good and then we stop multiplying like we've all seen in the west in the last few decades. So he was wrong. A virus or parasite wants to replicate. Many modern humans are choosing not to. The next thing that woke me up was in the mid naughties when I was talking to people about peak oil and how many so called environmentalists said we had to reduce our consumption of resources by 85%.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""l Ban This Video - MGTOW

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Mighty_Wolf 5 Jahre vor

Came here from YT to check out the real title

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Sir_666 5 Jahre vor

AntiCuck1982, in regards to your response to my most recent comment, here is my response as follows ...

Scientists nor Anyone, regardless of Credentials or how Intelligent has NEVER been able to NOR can currently predict the Future or Outcome for Certain with any Tests, Experiments, Calculations, Trends, or anything else based on present Information and Technology available.

This is simply due to the Fact that there are too many UNKNOWN Future Variables to account for or consider. And when Scientists or similar have gotten their Predictions of Certain speculated Future Outcomes correct in the past, it was just Coincidence. Because if this wasn't so, then Scientists or similar could simply Replicate the same Formulas, Procedures, Tests ...etc, to Predict the Future Outcomes of Anyone or Anything.

But clearly Nor They nor Anyone can Predict the Future with certainty.

Thus, the best Any Scientists or Anyone can do is Speculate on any type of Future Outcomes or Hypothesize on it if you will.

If you, however, have Evidence of someone that accurately can Predict the Future without fail then please feel free to share that Identity of that person/s with the rest of us. Since I'm certain that would be ground-breaking information.

Nonetheless thanks for your recent input and reading.

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Manfred 5 Jahre vor

Any animal could multiply exponentially while they have the resources and lack of predators. Humankind is just like any other species, except that we create machines to make resources and kill every predator.

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ShadowMonk 5 Jahre vor

Even if women do bring forth a societal collapse just a stop our progressed towards artificial wombs and wifus. It still won’t work because we as MGTOW and other redpilled men will get together and join forces even more instead of what the women want is for us to retreat back to their plantation. We will never go back to that plantation no matter what...There’s no turning back from progress.

-MGTOW Forever

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BlueVanilla 5 Jahre vor

You should make an edited version of your videos that you post on YouTube, and completely uncensored versions to post on bitchute and so you can still say what you want to say without censors.

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