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Modern Women Afraid To Break A Nail - MGTOW

Published on 28 Apr 2020 / In Pets & Animals

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RED PILL Cornseason Production

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I hope this will be a good topic for you? For the past 3 years I've asked women who are old enough to be my mother and grandmother about what they think of the modern woman or woman from my generation such as the millennial and after whatever generation that comes after the Millennial one. I asked them about their opinion about these younger women. I was surprised somewhat because these older women said the same thing that the women of my generation and younger are spoiled rotten and self entitled. My favorite thing these olde women say is that these younger women have brought us all back to square 1 and the reason they say that is because most of these elderly women are women of 1st wave feminism where they believed that they could do a job as good as a man could they were well aware of the responsibilities that we had to do as men. These women said that they weren't afraid to get their hands dirty And their nails broken. These older women truly believed in equality. One woman when I asked this question to, she was 74 years old with Kids of her own that are in their 30s And she is very sad that the fact that her kids will never give her grandchildren. Another woman claims that she failed her child because the father is no longer with them I didn't ax them what happened to him but apparently she thought that she could raise her son and daughter all by herself. What happened was one died and the other 1 became a mother of 5 from 3 different men And I found it interesting that there's a woman on Twitter who has a fans only account, looks to be in her sixties or seventies saying she wants someone to come and F Her and that they must be 35 of Age and that she's not BS'ing And I thought to myself I wish I was 35 so I can do her because while she may have been old she was very bold and honest in what she want it which will never get from my generation of women. So sandman the question is what happened with women to the point where the women of older generation are complaining about the modern woman being so difficult and dangerous in keeping our family line, our culture our way of living and our generation flowing. PS what do you think of women that agree with the MGTOW movement and the red pill philosophy Like Daisy Cousens But understand that they are not allowed in this movement." Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Cornseason Production:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

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UnwillingVillian 5 years ago

"Women make babies, men make adults." - Idk who, but they're right. The hardship that children need to teach them how to deal with life is called 'discipline' by those who know their ass from a hole in the ground. However, in this emasculated clown world feminazi regime 'civilization' it's considered child abuse. I.e. that notorious Gillette commercial.

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mrghoster 5 years ago

More than can be said for Breaking wind! lol!

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Zuberi87 5 years ago

They are afraid of their own shadow.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

sadly humans NEED hardship, trying to make life ' easier ' for our kids is the OPPOSITE of what they and we need......

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Wahmen be like, "Boo-hoo--hoo-hoo! 'Sniff' I's brokes a nails."

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