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Firing Female Teachers? - MGTOW

Published on 05 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Brave Browser: https://brave.com/san644

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- http://www.sanantonio.the-doll-house.com
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- https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCfniYT9wJHMlonj6d

Femme Fatale

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baIy9KztQx8

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aleck and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr. Sandman, This is Aleck. I wrote to you a few months ago seeking your MGTOW wisdom. Thank you for your response in the video you titled “She's Not The Meaning Of Life.” You certainly delivered. Just to quickly refresh your memory: The message I sent you was primarily in regards to how I might balance my artistic bohemian life with a more grounded life that could better provide for my future. I mentioned that I had a vague plan of how I might do this, and your input ended up being fairly aligned with that plan. Nonetheless, I found what you said useful. I’m happy to say that I found a job in the trades that puts food on the table and allows me the time I need to pursue my creative endeavors. The Youtube channel that I had started where I make art and discuss topics I’m interested in is slowly growing. (I will leave a link to one of my videos if you want to see it. If you feel like sharing it you can. It’s up to you though.) Just thought you’d like to hear that someone who wrote to you is doing well. Anyways, the topic I wanted you to cover is about education. I can’t help but reflect on my time in school and think that a reason that contributes to many men feeling unprepared for the real world is that the motivations, standards, and teaching styles of women (in general) are simply not the same as men’s. Young men that are in need of strong mentor-ship are sent out of the home to spend most of their day sitting in a classroom headed by a woman much of the time. In fact, MOST of my teachers were women—young, inexperienced ones at that. Do you think that there is a correlation between the growing number of female teachers and the decreasing number of successful male students? Hope all is well in your life, good sir. P. S. I miss your “God Among MGTOW videos.” Schopenhauer was a boss." Well Aleck thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad I helped you out before. You're a talented artist and I'm sure you'll get some people subscribing to your channel. I put that link in the description below. As for female teachers and their influence on young guys I'll get to that in a moment but I need to first tell you and everyone else about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

Photo Credits

4 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

1. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-178236814/stoc

2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-298914703/stoc

3. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-259340863/stoc

4. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-301390813/stoc

5. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-269762521/stoc

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