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The Rebound Chick - MGTOW

Published on 16 May 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brougt to you by another donation from Indiana and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! Thanks for making the video on my last topic. However, in response to your follow up questions about me continuing to date. The answer is, no sir. I did not learn my lesson. I was ignorant. I was single for maybe three weeks before a close female friend hugged me when I was crying over my ex and she started kissing me, and that was it. I was in a relationship, which cost me just over $6k in 6 months. We had both been to the same college and used to work together. The last I knew, she was a lesbian/bi depending on what she wanted to call herself that day. So I really paid no attention to try and get her attention. That’s not to say I didn’t notice how thin, sexy, and beautiful she was. But just think of suicide squad when you’re introduced to Harley Quinn. That’s a whole lotta crazy wrapped in a whole lotta pretty. Coincidentally, she had a thing for the character, and collected many Harley Quinn things. But after my pending divorce and the ex and I were officially living separated, I started seeing my friend now as a girlfriend; but it quickly went south with bipolar drama, using mental illness as a crutch excuse. You’ve made videos on women like her before. She would claim anxiety when she just didn’t like a conversation and used it as an excuse to shut down and never answer any of our relationship questions. She would rather talk about the problem than solve it. Much like the ex wife in that regard. When you asked if I had a little Goku, the answer is yes. My ex took our son, and our baby daughter when we split. In the settlement, I got to keep the furniture I had come into the marriage with aside from my refrigerator. I pay the max allowed by law in child support which I have never missed a payment. Though she has made subsequent requests to have my income audited, to see if the child support payment should go up. There’s an odd thing on my child support; I paid extra early on in case I missed a payment for whatever reason, but every quarter I get an update from the child support office, and it says I‘be over paid, this will be held until blah blah blah, at the very end, it asks if I wish to “gift” it to the receiving party... it just struck me as an odd thing to have as an option. Anyway, my furniture was for a one bedroom apartment, we had a 5 bedroom/3 bath house when we split, so she got most all the furniture. Oddly enough, she left her crappy couch that she brought into the marriage. What she left with was no student loan debt, a luxury car that was almost paid off, and an RV I didn’t want to buy, but she insisted we buy it. We HAD to have one because that's what her family does. Each separate family has their own so we had to as well. Her family is very close and they seem to need to be around each other at least a few days a week. It’s like she, her sister and brother never cut the umbilical cord. And her mom never cut the umbilical to her mom. Her dad, though tall was a mousey, timid kind of man, who had some cubicle like job, I never really under stood exactly what he did. Her mom definitely ran the family. And I firmly believe was the instrumentation behind my divorce. Though unhappy, I don’t think we would have divorced until her mom suggested it.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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I am a level 5 MGTOW monk sworn to the cause of the MGTOW ways and aide to the MGTOW council.

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A level 0 blue-pilled simp, oy vey. Gotta teach yourself the first rule of going your own way which is to say no.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

That’s why there comes tons of benefits as a single especially a young man even a teenager for being the unwanted type such as myself by many unfaithful Awalts.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

@VaperGamer: So I do have a bit of a pot belly, Severe acne that I’m try to work on and I have some dental issues ever since my childhood dentist who happened to be women didn’t do anything to fix my teeth and jaw line. So something I thought of doing an entire biological plastic surgical augmentations on my body mainly my teeth, jawline and my slight double chin, I’m also taking growth hormones to improve my hight.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

I have read your comments, and, I think I know something that YOU have not given proper consideration towards. Years and years ago while I was in College I lived in a rooming house. An elder woman, divorced - on welfare - and estranged from her twelve [12] children,emphasized a point repeatedly to me. onieda said, " Tom, you must always remember that [from a womans point of view] ''nothing'' beats a good man. She made thestatement at times when the topic of feminism or female homo sexuality cane up in discourse.I am getting to my point respecting your circumstances, and hopefully leading you to the an enviable conclusion in your affairs.. We live in a materialistic time, more so than ever. The cosmetic and MACHO sensationalize everything. This is crap and fake -- don't think the females do not know this. It is not financial and physical development that has been retarded...NO....it is the development of sincere personality. A good man with a well developed and sincere personallity will trump everything to MOST females. if you were to pay heed to these ideas, although I can't promise you that you will have any woman you want....I assure you that you will have your hands full. This turns the tables better than money.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

I am going to take a different perspective, a comments' expression founded on practical understanding. This manner of approaching the subject will surely be difficult for the "Hurrah MGTOW" to digest...but, be that as it may, IDC. The contributor sounds like a man who has reached the upper middle class on the income scale. I was surprised when ''he'' commented about spending 6K over 6 months. In his economic condition -based on his overall description of his life- that amount constitutes one night out per week at a 5 star restaurant. As he is keeping a financial ledger on this gal, he would, necessarily be, by default, effectively ''renting'' her. What exactly did he expect ??

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

I definitely understand that about female nature which indeed traits and financial status in the disorderly-degenerate dating scene in modern hypergamy, In my humble opinion...I definitely have learned that it isn’t just only, Money, Traits, Status or looks, But rather it is a terrible combination of all in a woman’s Hypergamous nature. What sucks the most about this plantation which kind of baffled me the most at first is that why would women be drawn to the worst of toxic unhealthy masculine traits in men instead of the good masculine traits therefore willfully and knowingly build dysfunctional families with the so called alpha males or Badboys in society causing further destruction of nuclear family and further gynocentriszation of society. How is this all started: so drugs, war, childhood trauma abuse or neglect back in the olden days even in the medieval dark ages especially as far as the 10,000 bc for an example definitely were the perfect involvement for creating the original so-called toxic man or in layman‘s terms the badboy, Although I’m not trying to smear other men by using the feminist talking points on toxic masculinity

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

what I’m trying to say is that yes there were and are toxic men who back in those days who originally raised these horribly toxic degenerate evil feminist whores into existence...

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

...And those dysfunctional women in turn created feminism and the modern blue pill cucks, SJWs and feminist-SJW-marrysue thots, Therefore resulted in this gynocentric clown world we’re living in today.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: This comment is slightly 'off-topic'. Let me attempt to correct you. The number of ''TOXIC'' men raising females to be whores now, or 60 years ago, is nothing but a amall fraction of 1 percent. howver, the number of spoiled females, then and now, who look to play a "blame-game'' and target their fathers and/or men in general is still 100 percent. Don't let these Marxists indoctrinate you any further.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: Women did not create feminism. Women complained and men provided them with a social advantage. In turn the spoiled, selfish, brats marched with new banners as a rally point. The blue-pill made the choice to be CUK. You can not make anyone do what they do not want to do. The blue pills saw this path as preferable. We all know the memes. Fuck the stories and get down to the business of being a human being....its a second full-time job.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

look...i’m not intentionally trying to stretch Marxism. And the bad boys did create these bitches who in turn created the blue pill simps and feminist-marrysue type of women. Is there is proof girls who are raised in abusive households become toxic narcissistic spilled bitches. Women who are raised by toxic abusive parents like badboys because of this thing called psycho-sexuality kind of like sexual Stockholm syndrome. We may not agree on certain stuff but we are still on the same page we share the same views despite of us seeing on how things started..

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago


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ancientsea 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: In First=World western countries. I, "ME", would like to see the proof that females were abandon to abusive environments in the last 50 years. I think there are measurable numbers of males abandon to bad circumstances, but, a fraction of females. The media, shit toiley papaer peddlers that they have become, can and will promote the female victimhood narratives at every opportunity. I am 69 years old. I may consider facts which tend to change my page content, but, only new facts. I really do have a better, surely more in depth, handle on life than so many, many, other. If I offer something in the spirit of consideration and it is ignored or worse...if I am snapped at, I just let them float away.

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