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Published on 16 Jun 2021 / In Comedy

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

Yeh, Vodka is russians super power, never soba them up ad give them orders. just give them vodka and it will self regulate... like an enclosed eco system but never.... ever take their vodka away. Thats prolly the real reason they turned on the nazis, cut of their vodka supply

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 4 years ago

Her "Free cop car for being hot, yo!"
Him "Wait! I didn't get your phone number yet!"

Pinning a badge on a simp doesn't change his nature.

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UnwillingVillian 4 years ago

Russia (generally speaking) is the best example I can think of to demonstrate conservative feminism.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

Oldest trick in the book, and this idiot fell for it, he will have some problems explaining it

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mrghoster 4 years ago

More CUCK than COP!

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