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No Option For Black Men - MGTOW

Published on 14 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Frustrated Black American Men in Brazil Powerful Documentary

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am a fairly new follower of your channel and recently started learning of the red pill community after reading Aaron Clarey's book, Bachelor Pad Economics back in January of this year. I would like to discuss the miniscule options that black american men have In the dating field. It is no secret about how the welfare system pushed Black men out of the house and produced a bunch of "Tyrones" to run through our women and to develop hate towards black men. It is also no secret how promiscuous our women can be along with the amount of "baby mamas" that we have in our community. So, someone may propose that we date out of our race to find a mate but that's where the problem lies. We have no options! We as black men are looked down and over the most in regards to the dating market. We've all heard stories how a non black family reacts when someone brings their non black spouse to meet the family. It usually doesn't end well. We also face a lot of shame and ridicule if we do so. Reason being is because we are dating someone who isn't in the image of our mothers, which doesn't make sense because I wouldn't wanna get down and dirty with someone who even slightly resembles my mom. We could attempt to date an African immigrant or second generation African girl, but very few of them settle with black American men whereas African men are free to date and marry whoever. For example, I had a Nigerian co worker who was married to another Nigerian man and an ethiopian friend who is engaged to her ethiopian fiancee. Another example are a few of my Nigerian friends who have African American girlfriends and wives. Their women stick to their own nationality. The only women that black american men may get luck with are caribbean women. They are the only group of women that mix and mingle with black men. Problem Is that there aren't enough of them to go around unless you live in Florida. Here in the Midwest, there are only a handful of them that live around us. What are we to do besides mgtow? Reason being
is that I'm an only child and I do want to bring my parents grandchildren." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous you want to know what other option you have besides going your own way. Well you're university educated man and you probably make good money as a result so I would suggest that you look into surrogacy. I believe I was the first if not one of the first to talk about this option in one of my earliest videos in 2013. Have a child with the blondest Scandinavian looking white woman you can find and no one will say anything. Buy her eggs in the open market and pay a woman in Mexico to carry your offspring and for somewhere around thirty to forty thousand dollars you can have a son of your own. Otherwise you're taking a fifty fifty gamble on finding a wife that won't divorce you and then taking another fifty fifty gamble that she will give you a first born son. With my suggestion for the price of a new car you don't have to worry about a hood harpie destroying your life. Of course you'll
hear such women squeal at you for doing it.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Thank you Sandman for telling the story of how the Black family was heavily targeted for destruction by the government. There was nothing we could do to stop it. Now the governments are targeting EVERY race of families for division, demoralization, and destruction. The lie of 'deadbeat Black fathers' was propagated and unfairly touted to brand us failures and bad men.

As we're seeing through red-pill content and research/observation, it's the women that purposely keep the father away using the idiotic, order-following dogs called police.

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AmericanPartisan 4 years ago

Get a surrogate and start building your legacy as a man. Fuck Marriage.

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

I type this with much pain as the pills I have taken are 1/2 red, 1/2 black - Black Pigeon Speaks has a great video on how the rule of women can spell the end for nations (principalities or republics) by taking charge only to give rule to the more powerful "alien male". It happens with both Man and Nation. Anyway, the video inspired me to rethink the "Willie Lynch Letter" and the Makings of a Slave by Frederick Douglass. If the rule of women can bring down a nation, wouldn't it stand to reason that the same can keep a nation from rising? Thus why the dealing with "black" women kept the rise of a would-be "black" nation from happening, Hypergamy in both Man and Nation, I suppose. With that said, they were never ours (mothers included -sad to say) - now it's someone else's turn.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

I'm monk mode by choice, but bc of my experiences in the Marines, I got to observe a lot of failed marriages/relationships. Many times I was "Tyrone". Never approached waah?men, they came to me. Never cared about race. I dated diversely (White, Black, Latina, Asians, Samoans, etc) relative to where I was deployed or stationed. Black waah?men, I found out later, were jealous, since I never confined myself to them, and never accepted their's, or ANYONE else's games. Waah?men are waah?men, and poon is poon, regardless of race, imo.

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Doug36529 4 years ago

I am black and I am virgin. I am going to tell that this guy is dum.
1. Black American men are dating outside their race at a far higher rate than women.
2. When the shaming language comes just point out if the shoe was on the other foot then see what happens.

I preferred women of East Asian descent or Southeast Asian descent. If my family ever questions it well they better deal with it.

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