
YouTube Can't Stop MGTOW

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Publicado em 01 Jul 2020 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is discuss how I've become optimistic with regards to the future of MGTOW. Part of it has to do with regards to what I'm seeing on platforms like MGTOW.TV and Bitchute. On MGTOW.TV the platform is growing and by the time I release this video there should be two or three channels that have over two thousand subscribers. I know that's nothing compared to the well over one hundred thousand I have on my YouTube channel and over sixteen thousand on Bitchute. But remember this growth has happened in the last three to four months on a platform where our content is visible and easy to access. Bitchute is great but unless your videos are trending all of the time it's hard to gain new subscribers. I get around five hundred a month on Bitchute. But on MGTOW.TV I'm getting about three to four hundred a month on On YouTube I only get around 250 subscribers a month. But it's not the subscriber growth that gives me hope on both bitchute and more specifically It's that recently MGTOW.TV received a denial of service attack. Someone is taking notice of the platform and is testing it's weaknesses and wants it gone. I'll discuss why MGTOW is about to become an unstoppable juggernaut in just a moment but let first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So in the last year and a half YouTube has been busy censoring MGTOW content. In the last year I've seen about a sixty percent drop in traffic. I've seen myself gaining around four to five thousand new subscribers a month and watching it fall to only 250. Many YouTube content creators are seeing their subscriber number shrink and no new ones show up meaning that YouTube has stopped recommending their videos to new viewers. With regards to YouTube's search engine they have rejigged the search engine algorithm so that a video by the Washington Post shows up at the top of the search results complaining about METOO. Below that video are searches for anti-MGTOW content like the Bulldog Mindset, Ted Talks about empowering women and Jordan Peterson calling us pathetic weasels. If you scroll down ten, twenty or thirty search results you might catch a glimpse of my newest video. Many people say that if you want to see the latest MGTOW videos you have to search by the release date and then they come up. So YouTube has done all it can short of just deleting our channels outright. They still might but demonitizing us, throttling us down and scrubbing us from the search results and recommendations has been an effective quarantine. Or has it? You see humble listener they have just driven channels underground or to other platforms creating their own competition. Susan Wojckicki says she doesn't care that she's going to lose viewers by promoting the mainstrea media and that she's going to continue doing it. But there are a few MGTOW channels that don't use the label that have slipped through the cracks and are giving women heart attacks. For example Coach Greg Adams, the Joker over at Better Bachelor as well as Think Before You Sleep.

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vtrmgtow 5 anos atrás

A suggestion, you could speak a little more slowly, your content is good, but the speed makes it difficult for a non-native like me to understand what you do, unlike other channels like Hammerhand. This is a constructive criticism, of someone who would like to absorb his channel more, think about it. Hug

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Mademyownway 5 anos atrás

Joker is a turn coat and not a true MGTOW. He is letting the feminist and SIMPS run his channel for money. More women and SIMPS have hurt Jokers rep as a MGTOW.

About 2 months ago, I posted a comment about pair bonding and the studies. He was speaking about how pair bonding is something that goes both ways and I kicked back. I posted the finding about how women ,who ride the CC and take x amount of sausages break the ability to pair bond. I posted the studies done, with how the result were found. How women were found to have male DNA in their spine and brain matter from multiple males. It was maybe 10 minutes and that comment was removed. Sorry, I know how it all works, because I am a moderator for a few YT channels.

I received a lame excuse about how I was shadow banned by YT. I called BS. Surprising I have multiple YT accounts pulling up that video to find not one of my comments visible. I know the game and how it works, because I have done it too many users myself on the channels I mod.

I watched Joker for a while, but always had a feeling he really not a MGTOW, but rather posing as such, then producing so called videos like or sounding MGTOW to gain subs. Had a feeling he was and is trying to please everyone to gain subs and keep the money rolling to fund his bus project. But, he is not a true MGTOW at all.

Sandman, I have been around your channel for a few years now, same as Pops. Just by listing to someone after so many years, you can tell who is MGTOW and who is not. There are many posers out there, so be care guys.

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Manfred 5 anos atrás

There is a paradigm shift that happens with MGTOW: men stop worrying about society and concentrate on themselves .
Thus there is no reason to change anything (the MRA way) if doing so is detrimental to your life. To a point it is not advantageous for MGTOW to grow to much, as it becomes targeted for societal attack, and we would be working against our own interests.Look at what happened to Big John after showing up in CNN...
It is true that men want to return the gift of this philosophy to other men that need it, and I want to do it to. But in reality, very few are ready to receive and understand it. The best MGTOW advocates are really women and feminists, let them do their job unimpeded! We should not scare them, as they will camouflage themselves as Sandman says in the video. That is the worst thing that can happen to MGTOW philosophy.

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eightyduce 5 anos atrás

Bitchute's torrent option has never worked for me. I have been around the file sharing scene since napster started. On the other hand mgtow tv has a site that works very well even when it is under attack. thanks for what your doing.

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Atton 5 anos atrás

Isn't the torrent system automatic?

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Chuck_Starchaser 5 anos atrás

I'm new here; maybe that's the reason, but I AM experiencing problems here. This video cuts off early for me, every time. It maybe because I'm using my neighbor's wifi. But every time I restart the video, trying to use the slider to advance to where I was when it cut off does not work. It refuses, and always goes back to the beginning. I've heard the first couple of minutes of this video about a dozen times already; and the rest I won't, ss I'm giving up.

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Councilof1 5 anos atrás

Sounds like a good idea. Beat them at their own game.

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