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Bitches Backing Up

Published on 10 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

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This guy is magnificent - straight as a stringline....

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usr6874038614 1 month ago

No, please no! The transport insurance industry would go bankrupt in a year if more women would drive trucks; most of em just do not have the spatial awareness that this job requires.
Mad respect for backing up a double trailer like that, not many can.

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People go "Oooo Pablo Picasso, Ohhhh Salvadore Dali" - "Ohhhh Bob the Truck Driver". I think if you ran a string line down the entire length of the truck and trailers, it would be virtually dead straight..... There are works of art being made by men in the millions - every hour of every day.....

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joc22 2 years ago

you nailed it

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990 men driving trucks. 10 men doing porn shows on a webcam. 990 women doing porn shows on a webcam. 10 women driving trucks. - Remember this statistic. "If women are not so fucking useless then how come......"

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wroger_wroger 2 years ago

If there was 1000 jobs going for people to drive trucks

The people would have to go and get their qualifications of working their way up through the truck series (small ones to really big ones) and be licensed to prove it....

Men in their hundreds would have done this.
Perhaps women - there would be a handfull of them in the whole country.

Then when the jobs were available.....

999 of them would be men applying for the job.
And there would be 1 women applying for the job.

Then the feminist bitches would snivel about the "Male Dominated Industry".

Not only are the feminists stupid cunts, they are stupid lying cunts too.

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From Bitchute:

Paul Metcalf
Truck maneuvering virtuoso. Girls are good at other things.

Yeah like fingering themselves, stealing money from their ex's, and being led aound like brainless bimbo's by the bullshit artist feminists....

Given the fact that driving trucks is a MALE DOMINATED industry, has nothing to do with the fact that almost NO WOMEN EVER go and get their licenses and apply for the jobs...

They are so lazy and stupid the best they can do is back their bumholes up to their web cams.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

That was skilled. The multiple trailer's caught me off guard. That would make it more difficult.

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Yeah it's pretty fucking good to watch actually.... Everything is just so amazing..... ALL the trucks are being driven in like sardines in a tin - dead straight and rows of them. Incredible.....

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