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She's Going To Get Ugly - MGTOW

Published on 09 Apr 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, you can just call me Tom and I'd like your opinion on something. I've listened to probably hundreds of your videos by now, and I wanted to let you know that yourself as well as other MGTOW creators such as Ronin Man and Think Before You Sleep have changed my perspective on life over the past half a year. I have been a MGTOW monk my entire life and would no doubt be labelled a class 5 incel by the modern media, having never had sex nor any real interest in dating or having interactions with women at all. I never knew why I never fit into any one group, why I can't seem to work a normal job without going insane, nor why I have no real interest in getting taking to the cleaners by a homely heffer despite the constant questioning and shaming language from everyone around me. Now I know I've been going my own way this whole time. A short bio on me is that I joined the Army in my early 20s after basically failing college, and at the minimum cannot get out until 2024. My specific job is not hard at all, but the military is truly one of the worst curses to put on yourself in the modern age. I don't know if you are familiar with our new politically correct and very anti-sexual harassment military, but you should definitely look into the SHARP program, how it's abused and some of the consequences men can face for merely behaving how men behave normally. Getting to the point, I've realized at the age 24 (thanks to you) that I can start squirreling away my money in order to reinvest it and collect dividends, as well as play with options in the stock market for a quick buck. I only have 3 bills in the military: my phone, internet and car insurance. The rest is all leisure spending that can be cut at any time. Food is technically provided for you, but it's usually not that great and I am 6 feet tall and need to spend money on food to pack on more muscle. I was planning on getting out of the military as soon as my contract was up due to the fact that being a lower enlisted soldier sucks the soul out of you, but lately I've been having second thoughts. If I follow my current strategy, I could theoretically save 3/4 of my money as I'm promoted (which also obviously increases my pay). I could possibly even get what would amount to double pay from future combat deployments, as well as receive a nice fat bonus for re-enlisting which can amount to tens of thousands of dollars if I can become a non-comissioned officer before my contract comes close to expiring. I simply can't function in a normal job, and the thought recently occurred to me: why would I want to come back to society to be a broke student or a corporate slave living like a loser when I could have some rank on my chest and a fat wad of cash growing itself like a self-nurturing garden of plenty right in my pocket? Ultimately I will have to bear the brunt of some of the worst the military has to offer, dealing with unbearable blockheads who are only concerned with how good they look in front of the high ranking officers, the rest of us be damned.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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richabh 5 years ago

I'm always here for the video for the day after tomorrow.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

i'm always here so people like google could shove my data up their schwing schwangs

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charliebrownau 5 years ago

It sounds he needs to invest in

Cheap LAND
Few guns + Ammo
Ex army jeep + motobike
Gobag + tent

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charliebrownau 5 years ago

BTW Cat Girl Robots will never hit the wall, divorce rape or cheat on you

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charliebrownau 5 years ago

Maybe this is why Men choose young women in the past

Get them at 16, pregant at 18, kids turns 18 when she is 36
Have 2 more and all the kids are done by the time shes 40

She can then leave the home duties at 40 and go back to work
as an empowered "equal" wamans

Males can work arse off from 15 to 45,
then its empowered "equal" women to work for 30 years, till they are 70

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