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When the HOLO-HOAX lies of the JEWS began to Unravel - See the Pinned Play List.

49 المشاهدات
نشرت في 01 Mar 2025 / في فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 30 أيام  

The Play List:

Play them in sequence - it makes more sense.

When the HOLO-HOAX lies of the JEWS began to Unravel

V2 Rocket - Nazi Germany's Deadliest Secret Weapon ( Has Jew Propaganda in it - See Pinned Link and Comment )

How a gyroscope guides a rocket

The A4 - V2 rocket in detail - Bringing a V2 rocket gyroscope back to life

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usr6874038614 منذ 29 أيام

Glad to see someone else waking up.
Not sure if you are aware, but David Irving has unearthed most of the truth around this topic; which is why they do everything they can to destroy him.

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usr6874038614 منذ 29 أيام

The truth : the ALLIES were responsible for the abominable conditions the camps were in when "liberated" : they bombed all the supply lines to the camps, so no food or medicine could get through. Consequence : the prisoners turned into those walking corpses we saw on those pictures. Thanks to Churchill and FDR.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 29 أيام

Yeah I have come across significant portions of David Irvings films / documentaries - AND despite the BULLSHIT that has been pushed about him in the JEW owned Main Sleaze Media in Australia and the JEW owned FAKE Australian governments BANNING this anti-christ mother fucker of the millenium - from EVER entering Australia, he has proven to be a VERY sane, grounded, honest, and reliable man , whose testimony if verifiable. Like I have never heard of anyone else ever putting 2 + 2 together about building precision guidance systems - composed of gyroscopes and pretty senstive almost "swiss watch" type accuracy guidance mechanisms - and many other things, to churn out V2 Rockets on a massive production line, by highly skilled and trained people who are being "slave laboured to death by work and starvation" - just not adding up..... The stories just do not make sense - because they are fucking bullshit - they are JEW propaganda and LIES..... That was my own personal awakening into this subject - "Hang on a second - this does not make any sense." No where - anywhere else in the world, does this ever happen - the only place it ever does happen, is in the land of the lying JEW.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 29 أيام

@usr6874038614: I have also reposted many of David Irving's films and videos here...... In my play list.

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usr6874038614 منذ 29 أيام

Yes, when logic is not followed, someone's lying . Thank you for putting reality out there.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 29 أيام

@usr6874038614: I have noticed that lying and liars are not very clever people and their stories tend to have abberations and holes in them..... It might work on the non thinking or impressionable - but when you stick it under the microscope - why round up and capture all these people, and then transport them great distances, which means railways, wagons, coal, engines, infrastructure and staff - and then house and feed them.... I mean NOT feed them, and leave them to sleep in the mud..... housing takes resources and time..... and then train them up for specialist work..... like the Germans have a nutty fixation on very high standards, and if your going to build a gyroscope - while it ONLY has to run for say 5 minutes of flight time... it has to run very accurately and then after all that effort to get the people and to then train them and to get and keep that production line running and to make "good rockets" - they are being worked and starved to death??? Fucking WHAT? Even on a basic shitty $$$$ model, if it costs say $10,000 Reichmarks to get ONE person trained to make rocket bits, and instead of 5 years of GOOD quality production from them, they are sick and dead within 2 months... and most of their work is fucked.... because they are sick, over worked and starving.... It does not make ANY fucking sense.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 29 أيام

@usr6874038614: I am exasperated at the levels of RETARDED JEW crap.... Stupid LYING cunts who just did not think anything through very well...... "Oh the diary of Anne Frank" ------ hand written by a JEW GIRL in an attic - using a ball point pen - which were not on the market for another 10 years after she was dead buried and gone.... Oh and the writer HE hit the father up for Royalties.... in the courts...... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh AND the JEWS made us all read that shit as a part of the public education system to SATURATE our societies with this COMMUNIST JEW CRAP ----- wall to wall bullshit from birth to death in our own societies....

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